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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by KevTastic

  1. Its not stupid, cos they both wanna do their own thing aswell. To Be honest, its very likely that it'll be a "Will Smith" album, we shudn't hate on that at all, cos 6 months ago if you heard a new Will Smith album was on its way you'd be smiling like mad, its only cos its closer and closer now that we are all starting to get picky about little things like this. Jeff's on the album, aint that god enough for anyone? Yes i too would like a 6th proper JJ+FP album but im extrememly delighted with a Will Smith album with Jeff on some tracks. Sorry to aosund angry, but i hope you all see my point.
  2. Its something alittle different, but works well for what it was made for.
  3. :dunno: Well That didn't come out quite as i planned it
  4. Well maybe it'll be [color=purple]KevTastic[/color] (Cheeky Pun)
  5. Dude, you really are a pretty good actor
  6. I hear its virtually impossible to buy nowadays?
  7. I guess that time will come along again over the next few years when he stops doing the action films so much
  8. I think if Will did a cheap vid, and used a montage of clips of live shows performing the song and shoved them all togeva it'd be pretty cool. Video's like that really work for me, plus its always good for an artist to have one in his career i think
  9. Afroman wern't the only one with a Crazy Rap
  10. Now Can You Dig That Sukka!!!!!
  11. No official release dates anywhere yet i don't think mate. Won't be long tho, role on Sepember when our stereo's will be pumping this track out too the masses
  12. Hehe, crappy Rappers. The UK equivalent of Sucker MC's
  13. Yeh defo. I don't know why it has to be London all the time. Yeh its our capital but there is so many great arena's in the UK. Nottingham, Sheffield, Manchester.... They all hold over 10,000 people
  14. Yeh, but im sure he'll never let them out either.
  15. I download music quite often, I have to being a DJ. I would never download a song tho that i would not inted to buy anyway. Yes i download other tracks but i would never really buy their stuff anyway. As a DJ im putting out the artist (on a small level of course), but all publicity is good.
  16. UK especially, when it comes to fans
  17. I've heard of them, but never any of their music. Have you ever heard of a UK band called Defenestration before?
  18. Thats cool, I'll just probably put it up in seperate parts over the next few days/weeks.
  19. If Ya Smeeeeeeelllllla, What The Rock Is Cooking. :switch:
  20. Yeh, there is a lot going on, so maybe an update is in order
  21. [quote=Hero1,Aug 12 2004, 07:34 PM][quote=KevTastic,Aug 12 2004, 02:02 PM] He also said in an quick interview clip how He's working with Will again[/quote] kool..how old was the interview? [/quote] Well it was during the show's perfomrnace they cut to the presenter talking to him, so im guessing it was around a similar time as the Isle of MTV shows, so not too long ago
  22. [quote=Prince,Aug 12 2004, 05:26 PM]Haha I have the UK version. For once Jim, I find myself with something by JJFP some of y'all don't have haha. I seriously need to get more JJFP stuff though. Got all FP's solo albums, Jeffs solo album and also his Hip-Hop Forever II cd, also JJFP greatest hits, and rare JJFP songs and b-sides from a certain forum... But no proper JJFP albums! I had Homebase in my hand 2 days ago... But I didn't have much money with me (story of my life) so instead got Hip-Hop Forever II and a CD single by a band none of y'all would like... Haha.[/quote] What was the CD, quite interested now? If it was a rock album you know i mite like it, or ateast heard of them.
  23. I don't know if this has been covered, but does anyone know why Jeff's website is down? Is he just concentrating on the atojazz.com now
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