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Everything posted by scyhigh99

  1. I am ridiculously, unhealthily obsessed with basketball. I play at the park near my house and follow the Boston Celtics to a frightening degree (also been a long-time BC Eagles fan). I love watchin my other hometown teams: the Sox (WS champs, wut now NY???) and the Pats (dy-NASTY... get it, we're a nasty dynasty). I've also been tryin to pick up the tennis thing of late in terms of sports I play, which I am currently struggeling with mightily.
  2. Im also feelin the love in these boards :wiggle: and thinking about how I first found this site 4 or 5 years ago, easily, and never bothered to check out the forum until I wanted to get Switch lol
  3. haha, I don't think you need to worry about that. :antlers:
  4. Coming this weekend: an obscenely long Lost and Found review from yours truly. :toetap: :toetap: :toetap: :toetap: :toetap: :toetap: :toetap: :toetap: :toetap: :toetap: :toetap: :toetap: :toetap: (the rest of the forum)
  5. This doesn't even have to do w/ Will, but in general, how come ppl always write swears cleverly w/ asterisks and stuff and that makes it cool. I do it too, but why? I mean, if I write "I am f***ing pissed", it's not like ppl don't know what that word is. If I wrote the word out completely, would that combination of typographical characters burn holes in your eyes or sumthin? All I'm trying to say is I don't get this stupid effing semantics s*** sometimes.
  6. Hahahaha this guy's harrrrrrrsh. Some of you guys get so angry tho lol I love it. Guy's got stupid opinions but I actually like the way he writes. I like the KB8 / Snoop analogy haha kinda true. But all in all, guy just has bad taste and a poor feel for music. I think we can all agree that Jadakiss's "Why" was a horrible track. For a track that was tryin to be so serious, I def laughed out loud the first time i heard it over the summer.
  7. Eeeeeeeeexcellent... I'll see if I can catch that. Thanks!
  8. I think I was still very groggy when I made that other post this morning about iTunes lol b/c you can clearly burn iTunes music onto a CD. So, instead of hoppin the bus to Best Buy in the rain after school, I came home and bought L&F off the comp. One of my most anticipated albums ever - the wait's over! :ahoy:
  9. I downloaded "Tell Me Why" and listened to the rest on Vh1! Call me weak? Pump ya brakes, kid, I got no regrets. :dancingcool: But to those of you who wanted to wait (for some reason I cannot decifer), congratulations! :ridepony:
  10. Maybe it'll be in the US version? Maybe we actually do get sumthin more than you guys in the UK and whatnot? Yessssssssssssssss (although entirely unlikely). Hero: does this mean the lyrics are taken care of?
  11. Here's the SITUASHON: Stayed up all night last night doin a philosophy paper, & crashed after school yesterday 8:00... which made me wake up now at 3:00 am. L&F is officially up on iTunes. The impatient side of me wants to download it now & throw it on my iPod so I can listen to it on the bus to a field trip today. The normal rational part of me says relax get the CD after school so u can play it in the car and whatnot. Quote the connundrum, no? RESPOND!
  12. I could respond w/ my take on the album or a critique of these ppl's reviews, but I'll do that later. I just wanna point out a couple things... The Post guy said L&F is Will's first album since Willenium, and while I, too, would like to forget that Born to Reign ever happened, that's poor journalism - you lose credibility right off the bat w/ errors like that. Second, how can u say it was unwise for will "pop" at Eminem? All Will says is: "Dissed by Eminem, but didn't bother him / Yup, but he classy / Big Will just get another 20 mil, walk right pass". Did this reviewer listen to the song? B/c if so, someone really needs to explain to me how that's poppin off at Eminem. Forget the over-blown pre-album hype of Em v. Will... there's just nothin there (let it go).
  13. Church, family, and entirely too many cadberry eggs... Happy Easter, everyone! (or any1 who celebrates it)
  14. ...and they all lived happily ever after! :wavey:
  15. Hmmmm... The first negative review posted I could just laugh at, b/c it was stupid... These last two, I can't hate b/c they're done w/ tact & some intelligence... I just disagree, I suppose.
  16. I'm gonna go out on a limb here: Tim's not a big Foxy Brown fan.
  17. Comon, guy, you're right! Be more assertive! It's not a freestyle, and you knew it all along. Let your genius be known!
  18. Knowing that this was just a joke, but also knowing it was probably at least in part spurred by the suggestive nature of my username (and not just my entirely strange questions), I feel the need to defend the moniker "scyhigh99." The Un-Abridged History of Scyhigh99 I created this online identity in 1999 when I first got AOL Instant Messenger. I was 12 years old, and I somehow identified "sky high" with jumping high, reaching for the stars, basketball... something to that effect. Anyhoo, since "skyhigh99" was already in use, I chose "scyhigh99" as my screenname (clever, no?). Ever since that fateful day, "scyhigh" has caused innumerable stoner jokes to be told at my expense, not only because it seems apparent that, like AfroMan, I am telling the whole world how high I am, but because I spell sky with a "c." Rest assured, I am a proud graduate of D.A.R.E., as squeaky clean as Big Will. I'm glad we cleared that up.
  19. My favorite chorus is ammended to I Wish I Made That! I just sorta threw together answers and completely forgot about that track. :wiggle:
  20. Let us assume you meet a rudimentary magician. Let us assume he can do five simple tricks: he can pull a rabbit out of his hat, he can make a coin disappear, he can turn the ace of spades into the joker card, and two others in a similar vein. These are his only tricks and he can't learn anymore; he can only do these five. HOWEVER it turns out he's doing these five tricks with real magic. It's not an illusion; he can actually conjure a bunny out of the ether and he can move the coin through space. He's legitimately magical, but extremely limited in scope and influence. Would this person be more impressive than Albert Einstein?
  21. After a couple listens, this is what I think... 1. what song on L&F do you think has the best beat? Here He Comes (I'm a sucker for the sample) 2. what song on L&F has the best lyrics? Lost & Found (I like what he's sayin about rap here) 3. What song on L&F do you think will be and instant classic? Why (that's what ppl are sayin, anyways) 4. what song do you think has the best chorus? hmmmm... Mary's hook on Why is good, fits the feel of the song, but in a totally different way, I like the remix to Switch, it's just smooth 5. who's your favorite musical guest on the album? Snoop (gimme the microphone first, so i can bust like a bubble...) 6. what is your least favorite song on the album if ya had to pick one? the original Switch, probably
  22. L&F is incredible, but I'll add my name to the list of ppl who are a bit dissapointed Jeff wasn't a little more credited and involved.
  23. I agree about the biography point. This review is the least-thorough analysis of an album possible. Can I get a job w/ the Mirror? Evidently, it doesn't take much.
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