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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Hero1

  1. apparently Jeff has booked Will for 2 weeks in January to come to his house and see what they can come up with chasing goosebumps style. fingers crossed this actually happens! The results could be incredible!
  2. Yeah the music industry is basically dead these days. No one buys music. "Albums" don't even really exist anymore. Kids stream a song they like and that's about it. That's why I can't understand why Will even cares about a "hit song". Just do some JJFP for the longtime fans.
  3. All fair points Jim but I'm pretty sure the 30 or so tracks he's recorded he isn't dropping any bars.. unless he gets with Jeff and does some proper rap tracks I don't like our chances of getting some hip hop out of Will these days...
  4. After bomba fiesta, call in the wild and get lit I have a feeling there are no rap tracks in the 30 tracks he has recorded. He is doing a lot of experimental stuff. I’m feening for a proper rap track and 3 rap verses because I’m interested in what Will has to say these days.
  5. I found the stuff with Jive really interesting. To add to the backstory, back in 1996 Will went to Jive with Men in Black and they didn't like it. They didn't think anyone would buy a jazzy jeff and fresh prince album anymore. So Will went and signed a deal with Sony. Then Jive said hey you had an original 7 album contract with us as jazzy jeff and fresh prince so Jive sued Will and Jeff for not honouring their contract. Then it sounds like as part of the settlement Will and Jeff lost all rights to their backcatalogue so they receive nothing when summertime or boom is played on the radio which sucks! Obviously we know Big Willie Style went on to become one of the highest rap albums of all time so the people at Jive got that one seriously wrong!
  6. Really interesting stuff about when JJFP went from Jive to Sony!
  7. Have a listen! https://www.thecurrent.org/feature/2017/09/09/interview-the-legendary-dj-jazzy-jeff
  8. We really need to push this guys if we ever want to hear another Will Smith album. Make sure you write reviews on amazon|itunes etc. share the track on social media. We need to get the word out.
  9. Here are some photos of the JJFP.com crew @ Blackpool! I will write an entire article about the night but I am still processing it. It truly was an amazing concert!
  10. Hero1

    JJFP.com crew @ Blackpool

    Tim, Julie, Kimmie, Kev, Ewan, Tim & Neil.

    © jazzyjefffreshprince.com

  11. Hero1

    JJFP.com crew @ Blackpool

    Tim, Julie, Kimmie, Kev, Ewan, Tim & Neil.

    © jazzyjefffreshprince.com

  12. Hero1

    JJFP.com crew @ Blackpool

    Tim, Julie, Kimmie, Kev, Ewan, Tim & Neil.

    © jazzyjefffreshprince.com

  13. Hero1

    JJFP.com crew @ Blackpool

    Tim, Julie, Kimmie, Kev, Ewan, Tim & Neil.

    © jazzyjefffreshprince.com

  14. Hero1

    JJFP.com crew @ Blackpool

    Tim, Julie, Kimmie, Kev, Ewan, Tim & Neil.

    © jazzyjefffreshprince.com

  15. Hero1

    JJFP.com crew

    Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince fans @ Blackpool

    © jazzyjefffreshprince.com

  16. Hero1

    JJFP.com crew @ Blackpool

    Tim, Julie, Kimmie, Kev, Ewan, Tim & Neil.

    © jazzyjefffreshprince.com

  17. This is amazing! Carvin, Ivan, Dre, Vidal, Keith & Darren did some amazing music at a touch of jazz and afterwards. They were responsible for the neo soul movement and sold a lot of albums but their production was always on point. So good to hear you got to hang out with Carvin and that he's a great guy!
  18. This sounds amazing! This was always why I preferred the vinyl version of he's the dj
  19. Feel exactly the same way man! Will should just spend a week at Jeffs house and they would probably produce a great JJFP album!
  20. Nicole first of all congratulations for pulling off the virtually impossible! If it was easy to get a JJFP show up with Will and a Jeffs schedule it would have happened once in the last 20 years! The show was incredible. Secondly I hope you can get more shows up especially for our US fans. We will be cheering you on from here!
  21. Will is filming Aladdin now for 6 months, directly after that he's locked in for this ang lee movie filming dates have been set March 2018 - September 2018 and then he's doing another movie after that as well so I think the reality us we won't get any music stuff from Will for a long time... he might do the odd show and drop a track now and then but that's probably it
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