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3cookies last won the day on April 29 2021

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About 3cookies

  • Birthday 05/22/1966

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    takin a long walk...
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    seXy seXy sunsets...

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  1. I can not believe that I even remembered my password on here, after all these years. Omg. I talked to Jamie and was coming over here a while back but my sister died and my world turned upside down. How is everyone???????? I hope everyone is staying safe in this covid-19 situation. And hope this is in the right forum .
  2. Hey everybody. I was thinking abt Timboat whose birthday is the same as my daughter's. (if I remember correctly ) I couldn't find a b'day thread or maybe overlooked it, (sorry if this is a repeat bday wish) Tim's name came up when my son reminded me: his first concert ever, was when I took him to see Will Smith & Jeff in Atlanta. Jeff's assistants hooked us up as JJFP fam! ..... I told my son, I was suppose to go backstage to meet Will & give him a portrait I drew, but I was scared & didn't think my art would be good enough to give Will & He wouldn't like it. lmbo TIMBOAT!!!!!!! Happy belated Born-day little brother! Wishing you greatness, health & happiness forever. huggzI Love you guys ALWAYS!!! JJFP's #1 AFRO ANGEL - 3cookies ps. so surprised that I remembered my password. haha xoxoxoxo
  3. Sending birthday wishes to Willow. Its amazing to see her step into her shining 'stardom' at such an early age. When she was borne, we wandered what talent she will have, and she has it ALL. BRAVO Willow! love you... ~3cookies
  4. Hi everyone. Tim, Visqo & Silver Tiger.... I really wish there were more good men & families around like what Will & Jada has ... really can cause a positive impact in the lives of others ......like mine for instance. Good to see smiling faces when feeling down... Love & Light ...
  5. i actually feel sorry for her, because she's got so much anger built up inside, its turning her into an irrationally psychotic woman, to some great degree,.. since she just couldn't let well enough be 'gone'. Trying to paint WS out to be some villian, is not a picture worth a second glance to fans that know more of his true nature outside character of FPOBA vs.- real life character. Hopefully she pulls it together, and face her own inner demons and cut the core of that anger/hatred/self pity/embarassment harbouring in her heart. Love & Light
  6. and imagine,... we all were here writing her poems when Willow was first born in this month. Imagining all the talent she would have. Will & Jada wiil forever light my life with inspiration. Love & Light
  7. and an even later wish to my little brothers.... HAPPPY BIRTHDAY BIGTED & LUIGIE !!!! love & light
  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ive missed so many JJFP birthdays .... Love & Light ~ Cookie
  9. hey litle brother!!!!!!! I've missed U and everyone also. So I had to come back, and fill my tank up with real JJFP love. Hope ur good, and treating the ladies nice? :) Happy twenty-10 bro xo, cookie
  10. I am a little late. lol HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! 2010....
  11. I heard a clip today, and it was nice. I sort of need abit 'more' to get a better feel...
  12. My heart just RIPPED to even imagine this was only a rumour even. and thinking i had not been here in ages, i could never forgive myself not showing Jada respect even if he was close to that.... HATE rumours, but glad this was one.. losing MJ was enough burdon 4 me for a looong while, so WILLs gotta take care of himself for Jada and those babies....
  13. I just barely got around to seeing it. Trey-trey kept asking me every chance he'd remember! lol it was kind of sad to me. ..
  14. oh man. I still can't believe he's gone. I took this really hard.... Rest peacefully Mike!
  15. COOKIE singing.....BACK Down Memory Lane! :) TIMBOAT!!! I Came back and this was the first post I saw, and it took me waaaaaaay back. haha. what a good start to my new year. Im trying to figure out how to maneuver around on the board. its.........complicated more than before. LOL. Happy New Year, and thx 4 the hookup bro. LOVE you!
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