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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. mark you think to hard of making questions up. that question made no sense, i have no idea what u mean the purpose of this forum isnt to ask as many questions as you can think of, cuz most of them have already been asked before and when u think to hard you dont make good questions, u need to let them come to you. perhaps if you can clarify the question for me i can answer it, but right now i dont know if "Wills new album" is L&F or if you mean that project he's working on, which isnt really a Will Smith album, its a Will Smith produced album from what we know
  2. is it just me or do you have to register an account to run the face recognition? i really dont wanna register somehwere where im never gonna go back to
  3. hey look im doing the grafitti! woo hoo!! :rofl: good luck man and have fun
  4. yo i started a music page for myspace. its for all the real hip hop supporters. i found that if i want to put a song by someone who's not mainstream its hard to find, so i took matters into my own hands. you guys are free to download and add any of the songs i have on there to your profiles. so if you have a request for a song, i may add it. http://www.myspace.com/bigwezmusic no need to add me unless you want to, just enjoy the music
  5. new pic from yesterday. i took this while i was actually driving i call it "stay pimpin" :lolsign:
  6. i have no problem if he uses that word once in a while on stage to add emphasis and hype the crowd but when u read that interview it becomes apparent and somewhat annoying to see all the censored out words. especially in a time where Will and lots of other people are trying to educate peeps on the n-word and then he spews it out like 50 times in one interview. that being said, im not dissing skillz cuz i like him for more than his yearly rap ups which is more than most people can say and i know he stands for hip hop i just think he could tone it down a little if he wanted to
  7. Will's first and theres no limit to how many times you can vote so keep it up!
  8. Skillz is a dope MC and ghostwriter. he hypes the crowd really good at Jeff's shows. i have 2 of Skillz albums and i cant say anything bad about them, in fact i should listen to them more often now if he could just clean up his mouth in that interview a little bit :shakehead:
  9. :lolsign: funny vid thanx for sharing
  10. how's this 4 ya Julie? FPOBA: 1, 2, and 3 damn, some of y'all are rich. i wish i could have the money to buy that many box sets. i'd probably spend it on somethin else, but i'd still like to know that i had that much money! :kekeke:
  11. first off, that post had almost nothing to do with my post or any acknowledgment of what i said. but i'll give my insight about what you said about kids when you reach high school, its a whole different world. sex and drugs are so easily obtainable and done by a lot of people. also the music is different. you get to hear what the older generation is listening to. and if you've ever had an older brother, u probably noticed he listened to a different stlye of music than you. underground music and music with a message is not at all uncommon with high schoolers. damn near everybody at my school thinks G-Unit is crap and likes underground rap, mainly bay area rap where i live. but nonetheless, i can find plenty of people who like music with a better message than what commercial rappers have to say most of the time. a friend of mine works at the teen center aka the youth activity center in my city. they do middle school dances sometimes and he gets to DJ. he was saying that he would throw on all the records that were hot to us high schoolers, and they didnt know it at all. then when he would put on whatever is commercially on tv and radio they danced to it. so, is commercial rap the only rap being marketed? yes. does that mean that high schoolers cant do their own investigating? no it doesnt, they do most of the time. middle school kids (12, 13, 14 years old) are too young to research in depth about music unless they really love it. in addition, if the radio played Dead Prez, would these kids even like it? would they comprehend the message? i mean, the beat aint knockin like they're used to, so the only thing left is the words, but will they understand them? i dunno to be truthful. sure the radio only plays certain songs and thats wrong, but would playing all kinds of music change the habits of those who are truly affected by it or will they still like the same ol trash cuz their young and they dont care about the message? i tend to think they'll still like the club bangers by all the big name artists myself.
  12. i've got to interject here first, good point about the dead prez album tim, everyone should get it. second, i didn't read Ted's 2 page long posts about a controversial point that was probably misunderstood, but i did read his last one. and i have to disagree with you on one point Ted: first off, let me tell you my background. i am a white kid with some of the most strict parents i know. they hate rap, but of course when you are 17 they just gotta live with some things. my parents have always taught me to value money and to make the right decision. they have always tried to keep me away from all that rap music and glorifying sex, drugs, and bling. they would not condone it at all if i got a grill or a chain or whatever. so there, my parents did their jobs! however, as a 17 year old when i see rappers flashin around grills and chains, i want one too!! it looks good on them. they get all the hoez. and in general, when i see something i like, i wanna buy it even if its not a neccessity or i dont have the money. that's just the way it is with kids, teens, and young adults. I KNOW how to spend money wisely and make the better choice, BUT that doesnt mean that all that flashy stuff still doesnt appeal to me. WHY wouldnt it? its SHINY and it LOOKS NICE! now i'm not gonna go out and buy that stuff cuz 1) i dont need to attract attention to myself to be cool and 2) i dont think its really my personality to be actin gangsta. BUT i have blown money on things in the past just because it feels good to buy things and spend money! lol even tho i know better, certain things still appeal to me. you can't fault kids for liking bling bling, it's appealing to that age group. i'm glad that you save every dime you can cuz thats a good mentality to have, but that's only YOU. thats not other people, some people just live differently and i think you should accept that. the point you made about parents is right most of the time, but i dont think its the case all of the time. bottom line is teens and young adults are gonna be attacted to that stuff no matter what their morals and ethics tell them. perhaps the parenting issue comes in when they decide whether or not to act on it.
  13. theres way too many for me to name, but if u want a couple off the top of my head Talib (im listening to him) Mos Def Dead Prez Bone Thugs (includin their solo stuff) Immortal Technique Tonedeff 2Pac the whole Hieroglyphics crew Little Brother and theres like way more artists that i like but don't consider to be at the top of the list
  14. this is gonna be dope! i cant wait for this dead prez = dope bone thugs= dope messy marv = decent bay area rapper outlawz = i loved their stuff with pac, but some of their recent work has gone wrong, i hope they can pick it up on this album cuz i like them thanx 4 sharin ted i had heard about this album but i didnt know all of those details u posted. i wonder when it'll be released? well itll be sometime this year so thats good news for me
  15. i got third! yay!!! :lolsign:
  16. read tims post on the last page
  17. u know what would've been good promotion and hype for Kel? if he woulda dropped a verse or 2 on L&F. i definitely would've liked to hear that
  18. this is definitely one of the biggest communities for an artist. when you consider most artists' communites are started and hosted by the official website or the record company (see willsmith.com's board), this must be one of, if not the largest fan community started by a fan site.
  19. i don't mean to sound pessimistic, but don't be a Loretto. i mean, theres much bigger things in life than meeting Will. i like Will too, but thats not my life goal. i have other things to worry about during my lifetime like marriage, a career, and raising a family. its not that big of a deal if u don't get to meet him. like the others have said, it's not the end of the world either. u might have another chance to meet him still and if u don't give up it might still happen.
  20. alright lets either get this thread back on topic, which is Kel Spencer's album, or we're gonna have to close it markwinfield why did you take this post off topic? i don't want to have to warn you.
  21. Yea, oftentimes, when you want to get things exacty as you would like, you're going to have to create multiple css files to specify those settings for those specific regions. Dreamweaver isn't too bad though. Once you get the hang of it, it makes things a lot easier, and it's always fun to experiment. If you really want to challenge yourself, start creating things in flash. That's the best program ever. yeah i had the idea correct about specifying different regions, i just couldn't remember how to actually write out the script in css. it turns out its something like a.link:region... which is where i had problems. i just happened to stumble upon a css template where it was written out and that was very helpful i will have to try out flash in the future when i become more familiar with my dreamweaver and website skills altogether
  22. whew, i finally got it. the easiest way was to create a separate css file rather than trying to import the code in there. man dreamweaver is intense! its about 10x more complicated than front page 2000
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