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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Silver Tiger

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Everything posted by Silver Tiger

  1. Hey guys, I just finished my latest video. I'm a little new at this, but I think it turned out decently. Tell me what you think. If you like it, I'd really appreciate likes, shares, comments, etc.
  2. Bet you didn't think this day would happen. Congrats on being older, guys!
  3. I'd like to hear a detailed account of all the songs he's not happy about.
  4. Dope, I hope they keep the focus on real MCs. It looks like they are going in a good direction with this.
  5. Monster is probably my favorite track on the album. I like Hollywood Tonight and Behind the Mask though. I really just want an album from MJ full of songs that he wanted for sure to be on an album though. I'm sure this album still wouldn't be out if he was still alive.
  6. I've always kind of liked him. He seems different than a lot of rappers out there these days. He seems to have a positive attitude. This video did a good job at showing him as a laid back guy. Cool song.
  7. Man, I used to play some of these out.
  8. The flow was phenomenal! I couldn't tell if that was you or Rakim at some points.
  9. I liked, commented, and subscribed to the channel, can we expect more videos with you, Tim?!
  10. Thanks, VIsqo! That's really cool of you to do that!
  11. Thanks for checking it out, Brakes! You too, Tim! I really appreciate it.
  12. Here it is, guys! If you like it, you'd be doing me a HUGE favor by sharing it on facebook or twitter. I'd REALLY appreciate it. Thanks for checking it out!
  13. New video will be up Saturday afternoon, PST!
  14. The Office Parks and Recreation Community It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Dexter Breaking Bad South Park
  15. Thanks for watching, guys! Glad you liked it.
  16. Glad you liked it, Tim! I'm totally down for including you in a video if we can make our schedules work!
  17. Thanks Visqo! (they're swim shorts, btw).
  18. Here's my newest video guys! Hope you like it!
  19. I think she can flow. I find her voice/lyrics to be annoying/bad though.
  20. That's basically how I see it too. I don't really dig their stuff these days.
  21. Happy Birthday, Tim! I was hoping you'd have another birthday soon!
  22. http://www.google.com/#hl=en&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=fabolous+weed+charge&cp=20&qe=ZmFib2xvdXMgd2VlZCBjaGFyZ2U&qesig=Ow1HwKc2gBISyxHtyPjlQg&pkc=AFgZ2tkHYt7_Y56DkswSE8bh8ABnG29aQjVU1wyFgLmiTSZi1HbErGiuy7P5hPcmMOLzaGO45O9MIjTOtmfMfXYGZy6pbkgHXw&pf=p&sclient=psy&safe=off&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=fabolous+weed+charge&pbx=1&fp=8b4d4706f280eb45
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