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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Frenetic

  1. Agree with max, there's no defense to how badly the planning of another single have been.. PS should've come out beginning of july, if it was supposed to be a summer hit. If i gets released in august it won't catch on until mid august, and a summer hit doing it's thing in august/September seems... foolish. I did prefer PS as a single for the summer, but that's fading soon, it would maybe been better if tell me why would've been released and then PS for late fall, christmas. There's alot of club's going on that time of year.
  2. I hope ur right, cuz I would love 2 see this happen... Lets see how it unfolds. I love it when Will show his strong stance with ppl not sure of his musical capability... it is it just me, ...or do u seem to be negative Frenetic? peace, cookie ← No, I work with this, i know how it works. You gotta know that will did over 160k in his first two weeks. He won't come up to those figures again. The best he will or can do if you look at it from an unbiased and realistic way is him doing TOPS 40k a week. That to happen he needs massive airplay, big video success, a big buzz and high places on the charts. Now that's like fantastic if it happens and i believe it will if he gets both PS and TMW to do well. But then u gotta see it this way: PS won't effect sales until mid/late august thats one month and another month with sales under 20k and maybe even under 17k. 4x17000 =68000 ad thats if he remains on this saletempo. Now of he does well with PS you can expect him doing about 35-40k in 6 weeks. 38000x6= 228000. 228000 + 68000 = 296000k. 563000+296000 = 856000 by october/november. So now u guys are saying he gon sell a 1,2 million copies on tell me why so he'll go multiplatinum? I believe tell me why will be a bigger hit than PS.. It won't be able to push uup the sales any more but maybe keep it steady at 30-40k (not counting the drop in the gap between PS and TMW being released) until it does over a million, which I think is possible if both tongs become hits. U gotta know that those numbers on PS are pretty optimistic, u can't really be depending on it doing so good, cause it's two club songs after eachother, so don't be sad if it becomes a hit but doesn't push sales.. Nope. Sorry to burst a bubble, but being biased ain't nuthing but trouble when checking out these things. Now it would be terrific if he did 2 million, but come on.
  3. I think it's a top5 hit. If the video goes well and the release to radio aswell.. it'll bump up.
  4. Hell no, it won't go multiplatinum. Of the singles strikes right we will have a platinum album. Probably 1,2-1,3 sold. He's selling 17k per week. The push he'll get won't be enough to multiplatinum.
  5. http://s43.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3SCRCJX...ID2NCOG7ZFZXAFW Yup, extremely bad timing by NAS. This'll just boost Fiftys sales. Even though it's like the best diss since Ether and Takeover, slightly better than 300 bars. BUT, I also heard it ain't the real knockout diss, the real diss will be on Nasdaq Jones. Sounds pretty bad too me cause he really, really has to make something real good then. Better than Ether, or else it won't be noticed so much.
  6. Isn't it very much like Switch? The beat and the dance they do..it all resembles switch alot...maybe too much. Like it thou
  7. I like this one better.. the second and last verse gets new life and it gets much more life.
  8. I agree with Lerkot. The western world should look at itself. We all believe our goverments are these perfect loving people. FUCC THAT! Bush, Bush SR, REAGAN, CARTER, CLINTON... ALL OF THEM have parts in KILLING people in the middleeast. In Iran, in Iraq, in Israel, in Palestine, in Vietnaam, In India and in Afghanistan. Come on, the US is a terrorist state, the only difference is that they are allowed to do whatever they want to do cause they're the most powerful country in the world. CIA changed the regime in IRAN 1979 leading to the murder of over 1 million communists and opposition members and another million in the war with iraq ( a IRAQ that was funded by the US). But that doesn't really matter... IRAN and IRAQ are arabs and muslims..we can kill those scum... am i right George..? CIA funded, trained and gave the Al-Qaeda and Talibans (Talebans) Money. The US is backing Israel in killing thousands of people in Palestine. What goes around comes around. Note: I hate, truly hate people using violence to bring forward their opinions and wantings. But I've also been in the arabworld and in countrys hit by the things the US have done.. that's why i understand what they do. Even though i don't support that as much as i don't support the US politic.
  9. He has the dopest avatar on the board. TinTin is the shiet.
  10. So it has premiered now in the U.S? Seems like a really good movie, should prolly download it.
  11. if i'm not mistaken, ur telling her what her kid should and shouldn't be doing, when it's only ur opinion. anyways it's cool i'll just wave it off and let cookies say what she wants, it just sounded a lil rude when i first read it. maybe u didnt mean 2 word it that way. ← I was really sarcastic. Her children ain't none of my business. but since she is the counterpart of my opinions in this matter I wanted to provoke her to write something really good.
  12. You know.. when the elections held place in the US...the americans was all like: "Shut the Fucc up Europe: Don't tell us we're dumb! George Bush is an excellent president!" And then it goes a couple of months...the dude continues to screw **** up and his support is at an all time low. They still hate on us. Now that doesn't have much to do with this, but still.
  13. When the hell did i tell her how to raise her kids?
  14. What are you talking abt! Thats NOT living in a world of REALITY by not telling THEM crime don't exist. We talk about these things quite abit, and I don't covet them or hide the fact that there is violence in the world. Theres violence in the news everyday, and I can not and will not hide facts of everyday life circumstances, but take my ROLE as a mother and educate them while I have the opportunity to. Once they are mature enough, and have the RIGHT mentality to know their choices in life are about making their own decisions, (weather right or wrong)...then it's my responsibility AND choice to monitor what my kids do, including the video games they play. period. So dont chastise me like i'm some kind of hipocritical person just because I monitor my children's activities as best I can. Things do slip by parents, (like this GTA game) and we can't be there every moment of their lives... You may not see wrong in it, but thats your proud choice to dedicate urself to, but my opinion differs when it comes 2 MY children... I make an attempt to solicit alternative 'escapes' for my kids extracurricular activities, not draw their attention to things they will naturally learn abt as they're growing... This game is for ADULTS. Im upset that some adult sold the game to a minor not to mention your sarcastic comments frenetic... :thatsux: peace, cookie ← That's where we differ, I come from a home where I've never been punished or banned from doing or playing things cause I (and my parents) believe more in dialogues than banning things. I mean even though the game is violent it is not more bloody than horror movies, it's not more violent than any action film or even tv-show. If this is the case then our children should not watch all these teveshows with violence, they shouldn't be allowed to listen to gangsta rap or watch violent movies. For those who haven't got the GTA idea shoudl really read this, it's a neutral description of the game: It's the early 90's. You're this guy that's a former gangmember that stopped and went to another city. He comes back to San Andreas/Los Santos (San Andreas is supposed to be a Area with Los Angeles, San fransisco and Las vegas), Los Santos is LA. He comes back cause of the death of his mother. When he left Los santos the ghetto was in better shape without drugs and so much violence, the gangs had their terriotorys and no gang wars. But when CJ (the character you are) comes back, the area has exploded in gangwar drugs and so on. CJ gets shocked and gets back with his brother to find out who kills the mom and kill the bosses of those gangs or groups. As the game moves on CJ has to infiltrate gangs, mafia and FBI, NSA CIA to find out who killes her mom and who is behind alot of things in his old neighbourhood. In the game CJ kills drugdealers, mob bosses and curupt policemen during the LA riots. The game has a very hiphoporientated soudntrack with the g-funk era music and old school hiphop + SAmuel L Jackson and The game star as voices to characters. The thing that differs this game from others is how much it's based on reality. Yuo gotta eat, workout, rest, swim, drive, visit your girl, sister and so on just as in reality. But reality is a bitch, so there is also hookers, pimps, drugs (but you can't do drugs) and bad language in the game. GTA is not more violent than any wargame, it's not more sexinfluenced than SIMS. GTA is just a thing used by politicians to make them popular... someone please remember the trials against NWA or Bill O'rileys hiphop hate crusade? Same thing. Stop the madness. And once a again: That sexscene is not in the original game! It's a way to hack the game and then yuo can do that. And as Scnazz said: if your kids can do that then they can also download som porn much realer than that.
  15. Then you're kid shouldn't watch violent movies, listen to violent music, not go outdoors and def not tell him about the fact that crime does exist in reality..
  16. And i also think it's outrageous that a game is being banned because of a HACK. As Schnazz said this is not a scene in the game, it's a scene brought out by hackers. THE SAME thing was done when sims came out first and that was more easy and public! I wonder if the congress isn't more worried of the game including the riots of the early 90's in US than it is because of a sex scene (HELLO, POSTAL?).
  17. GTA Series is the godfather of games, it's the jay-z, nas, krs-one, james brown, michael jackson, king, queen whatever of games and i worship every bit of it. My life is dedicated to it and i'm proud!
  18. I didn't diss wills skills. I think just he has a better flow and lyrics on Lost and found. The rhymeschemes, rhymesyllables and so on. More complex than BWS that is good in those way but pretty usual. Agree on the productions too even though i like could you love me (the beat, not the whole song). Born to Reign got some mad beats that are not ruined..but wasted. The title track is INSANE. Willenium sounded pretty 1999/2000 even though it had timeless beats like the rain and afro angel.
  19. I think Big willie style will hold the test of time better. Cause WHAT IF the situation in hiphop gets better, what if black radio starts playing will.. then L&F will be less interesting even though it's really good lyrics. Big willie style is more party, and you'll always want to party unless you're like 45 and the partydays are getting less and u want to chill to some knowledge, then you'll put on L&F.
  20. Hmm...Big willie style is def a feelgood album.Even though at some times it does shine thru as most corporate and massproduced and just commercial. Something that ain't the case with willenium and L&F (but it is the case with born to reign). Different type of albums: Party: Big willie style Feeling good: Big willie style Intellectual: Lost and Found Will skills: Lost and found Lyrics: Lost and found.
  21. L&F, Willeniums bad songs are worse than lostnfounds bad songs. At the same time there are more magnificant songs on L&F even though the rain is as good as all of them.
  22. Nate ain't on any song. Check the booklet, if u ain't got it, don't download it.
  23. 17k is bad. Hopefully he'll do a Gwen and bounce back up.
  24. This board? IC, SOHH,, every other big board. It was everywhere. Piracy is a problem for ALL artists.
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