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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by 3cookies

  1. You have a very interesting way of writing. That was real nice... Thanx 4 sharing it with us. Do you have anything to share that has a happy ending??? peace, cookie haha. dejavuz. I always used to post the same tyme as a coupla other fans. I havent done that in ages...
  2. I've heard plenty of ppl say that before, and its no real big deal for Will to repeat something he's heard. With the way things happen when it comes to 'government' sometymes, its difficult to say one way or another if its true. If it is, all I can say is thats just ashame... peace, cookie
  3. well, im sure u can 'sum' it up 4 us... Nobody talks as much as me, I've discovered. lol. my thoughts n prayers go out to everyone of my sistas n brothas... peace, cookie
  4. ahhh... that was beautiful and heart touching. Thanks for sharing . peace, cookie
  5. Ted is a die~hard Will Smith fan, haha... i guess thas all i can say... but, ppl always been hatin on Will,... I used to get real defensive AND offended at one point, but I've learned to appreciate his contributions even more in the face of such ignorance, because he's obviously highly successful,... because of that same 'soft' side theyre complaining bout... hah... so why even entertain alla that negative energy? its takes less muscles to laugh, than get angry in defense.... but then again, i do need to work out. lmbo... my jokes r so lame... oh well.. :kekeke: peace, cookie
  6. Welcome aboard... :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHIEF!!!.... I hope its a great day for you and your family... and enjoy this special day... love ya, cookie
  8. Happy Easter to my JJFP fam... peace, cookie
  9. I like writing about love Luigie, and that was reallly sweet what u wrote. Goes to show you have' heart' and will be that type of dude worth the wait... when ur tyming is right of course... peace, cookie
  10. you've succeeded by failing.... peace, cookie
  11. I had it locked once, but sumone decided to reopen it. peace, cookie
  12. dont worry miss julie. you still got ME . LOL... good luck! peace, cookie
  13. I can't really say who's the flyyest, dopest, finest, handsumest dude on the forum, cause Will dont post. hehe :lolsign: UNLESS yall post sum pics of ya abs 4 me... Ill judge by the midsection. LOL. .... but now, as far as the chiks... I dunno... im excusing myself from that question... :2thumbs: too old 4 yall to even comment. LOL I say miss Julie and Miss Ashley and the birthday gurL for today!!! :1-smile: peace, cookies
  14. Cool pics. I like the pics of you and ur friend Brakes. haha. Being close friends that many years ... and still counting... wow... peace, cookie
  15. We have two birthday celebrations today onboard!. Hope its a great day for you, not sure if you're s till around, but its always nice wishing fellow JJFP fans a Happy Birthday... Be goood today \\ peace, cookie
  16. Happy birthday to you today. Hope its a wonderful day and you get loads of gifts. haha. :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  17. well. it could use a little work, but to be honest, i read it, as if you were just throwin sumpthin out there 4 a quik laugh... If you ever plan on being in any of the battles against some of the JJFP fans on the site, I'd say, work on it a little bit ok??? or ull be like me... NOT competing. heh. peace, cookie
  18. did u guys ever think it may just be some cute chik who's hangin up because you make her nervous? hah. either that or it's a bill collector tryna catch u at the right moment like...~? at home ! ... lmbo. peace, cookie
  19. Im with u on this Brakes... I can't stand when this happens, to a perfectly decent thread... im sure some arguing is gonna start... so imma take my happy self with my laptop and chill by the poolside... and surf the net for some cute guys pics online or sumpthin. LOL.... cuz im NOT feelin the new energy thas about to emerge here... but, prayer works wonders and yes, anyone can pray for another, doesn't matter their religion, what matters is the sincerity and LOVE in their heart towards the person theyre praying for... Prayer has a wonderful effect to those who choose to believe in the power of prayer... peace, cookie
  20. lol. yep. specially u thinkin im playin em to da 'left'. lol. i think everybody's takin tha easy way out by just 'drinkin sumpthin'. that doesn't take much hand to mouth coordination. Try using utensils carving meat on your plate, like turkey or a roast or something half complicated like that. .. but kudos for everybody trying... peace, cookie knockin yaself out gettin a black eye. lol. peace, cookie
  21. see... yall gonna make me fat if i keep tryna eat sumpthin jus to try this. lol... I tried it while eatin cerial, and it was not alla that bad. but i forgot that im "equal handed" if that makes any sense... hah. Julie, and Brakes, i wanna see u guys take a pic while ur trying this out... MAX!!!! ... tho im left handed, i bet YOU a dollar i can write my number for a handsum dude with my right hand. LOL.... (inside laugh 4 Max) lol. :rofl: peace, cookie
  22. ok then Brakes...imma try it next tyme i eat sumpthin.... um, if i remember. lol.. I wish i had 'witch powers'... id ZAP me up a fyne tall dark handsum right quiK! hehe.. u want one too miss ashley and miss julie? LOL... haha peace, cookie :lolsign: :lolsign: :lolsign:
  23. actually brakes, i was expecting a more random question than that... they say 'sex' is on guy's minds like 24X7...but in this case, it's ....well ~~> . never mind. LOL... good question...i guess. lol peace, cookie i can't take that c hance miss julie...cuz i may be too hungry to eat with my right hand and miss my mouth entirely!!! lol peace, cookie
  24. all right STOP u guys! Im left handed and theres nothing better than eating 3 cookies and having a nice glass of ice cold milk with my left hand, mind u... :yeah: hehe... :lolsign: peace, cookies
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