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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Schnazz

  1. Since when did crack heads figure out how to get on the internet?
  2. In my ongoing attempt to gain some sense of accomplishment from my days work, I undertook a listening project. I listened to each album that the Source awarded five mics too. While the list is not complete, and a bit off at times (Lil Kim?), it was a great listen. Starting with the first album, I listened to each one in full, in order from first to last. While I was around for all the albums the first time around, there where a few that I missed out on for one reason or another. I found many new-to-me albums that I now love. For instance, I despised Biggie when he first came out, largely because Puff was talking and making stupid noises all over his songs. But going back and listening to the complete album, it's great. It was a fascinating tour of hip hop history, I could hear the evolution the music. One of the things that really stood out was how far ahead of their time, musically, the Beastie Boys where. Their production value was astounding compared to LL, Run DMC, and BDP. I would recommend this to anyone interested in hip-hop, especially if you where born too late to catch the albums the first time around.
  3. Thanks for the recommendation, I'm diggen it. I love the funk sound.
  4. lol, happy very belated birthday man!
  5. Now that I watched it, BRILLIANT! If your considering watching it, but need to be pushed over the edge, here are the important details: Mariah, hot like fiah, Geek, Laser Tag. Go, watch it, you'll be a better person for it.
  6. I do, bra and panties all the way! My pizza gets delivered in eight minutes flat!
  7. Good stuff. I liked the next jj/fp video in the list: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EviY3JlAFs...feature=related
  8. Happy birthday you miserable excuse for a fan.
  9. I just watched the movie straight through with the alternate ending and I loved it! Much better than the original movies ending, and I agree with Julies comments.
  10. Looks good! I loved Excite Truck's control, I hope it has a control scheme close to that.
  11. I can't wait to hear it!! That's a great album cover. :2thumbs:
  12. :rofl: Dongs! :rofl: :rofl: That's a great word!
  13. Ya know, that video exactly represents why a lot of people are excited about Obama (and McCain for that matter) and not happy about Clinton. A lot of people hate partisan politics and love that Obama is talking about bringing people together. I don't think that Clinton's mocking of that is going to help her much with the voters.
  14. lol, the booing for that was great! I just wonder, what was she thinking? Shouldn't someone in her campaign have whispered to her at some point "ya know, you use your speech writers' words"
  15. Don't jinx it now, i do believe you said the patriots were unstoppable and look what happened . That was just a joke :lolsign:
  16. It is now my goal in life to keep this thread open :muahaha:
  17. lol, I suppose we probably do have a fundamental difference of views. However, and I do mean this, I really would love to see evidence for what you're saying. I hear a lot of people make the same claims, but no one ever provides anything supporting these claims. If there's evidence out there that shows why my views are wrong, I very much would like to see and understand it. As for George Bush getting blamed "without much premise." There is a lot to blame Bush over. From when Bush's first day in office, January 20th, 2001, till the day of his first veto, July 19, 2006, the federal deficit grew from 5.7 trillion to 8.4 trillion (link). Now sure, the republican congress gets some of the blame, but he never once vetoed those spending bills. Or how about starting a war based on 935 false statements (link)? Or what about the warrantless wiretaps (link) that where authorized by executive order?
  18. lol, what do you want "Hey, did you guys see how I got my ass kicked? Hard?"
  19. Another huge win tonight for Obama! It's starting to look like he'll be the nominee. Hillary would need to have a huge win in Texas to have any hope of winning the nomination.
  20. There seems to be some sketchiness... But the thing with the window makes sense to me. The 15 minute window starts from your last action. If you don't sign out but just close your browser (or navigate away), you stay in the online bar for the full 15 minutes. If you do sign out, you get removed from that bar, but you're still attackable for 15 minutes. That's how it looks to me.
  21. Another three big, one sided wins for Obama! Also, Huckabee got two strong wins and put up a great fight in the third race. What a great political season!
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