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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

JumpinJack AJ

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Everything posted by JumpinJack AJ

  1. Man, it's incredible that it's been this long, but today (technically yesterday since i'm posting this after midnight where i live) marks the 9 year anniversary of 2Pac's death. I just remember how i waz disappointed in the Deathrow aspect of his album All Eyes On Me....but how incredible and unstoppable his album was. But when he got shot, i just felt like i saw it coming...but i had no idea that about a week later, he would actually pass on. I remember sitting on my bedroom floor, going thru' some music, when my brother opened my door and said "2Pac died"...it waz one the weirdest moments i've ever gone thru.' I'd been following him since 1991, and a but fan of Digital Underground, so my loyalty 2 him as an artist ran deep. I remember going downstairs, turning on MTV and just watching it all nite as they'd re-run the same MTV News update on it, then airing a block of his videos over and over again, and watching Yo! MTV Raps. After that, we watched the violence between Rap and the streets grow. We watched security jump, we watched people stop claiming where they come from, we watched party pop start 2 take over, we watched millions of bandwagon fans embrace his music...and the Hip-Hop game as we know it, changed forever. 2Pac was just getting started, and about 2 set people straight on what he waz about and what his style of Hip-Hop waz about, but all that waz cut short. If he wouldn't have passed, i don't think commercial rap would be in such a crappy place right now. I'm not saying all of this has played off of his murder, but i believe that if he waz still around, he would have been one of the few people who would directed the way Hip-Hop and Rap went. Those of u who haven't been in2 him but wanna check him out, check his stuff b4 1997...and check the movie Tupac Resurrection. Rest In Peace 2Pac.
  2. 2PAC - Keep Ya Head Up Strictly For My N.I.*.*.A.Z (1993)
  3. Thanx 4 posting that inteview clip. That's crazy interesting. It makes FP's comment from that radio interview a few months ago make alot of sense. When u think about the way it said something like "I know for a fact that somewhere in there Eminem is a big Will Smith fan"...it just ties in with this event. Eminem's line in "Real Slim Shady" wazn't really a diss in my eyes...it waz everything that followed. When he mocked him in the "Forgot About Dre" video and then encouraged his fans 2 chant "Will Smith sucks" while at TRL...that's what i had a problem with. I think it's very cool that they put it out there. I love the stuff those guys produce (unless they are the former ATOJ producers who did Ciara's "Oh"). I definitly gotta pick up that issue of Vibe.
  4. 2PAC + DR. DRE - California Luv (Radio Edit) Nearly 10 years later, i'm still wondering how on earth the radio edit waz so popular and the album version wazn't. Lhunagar, i agree, i saw the video 3 days ago...it's freakin' hilarious!
  5. This song sounds like it'll be amazing!! It's probably a good way 4 MJ 2 enter back in2 the music world 2. Turntable. MJ and R. Kelly have worked 2gther b4. Remember 1995's "You Are Not Alone" and 2003's "One More Chance."
  6. I have a few songs from the 1998 area that have 50 Cent on them. He's like a totally different person, but i'd never say he waz that impressive. But he didn't annoy me back then...he waz just another no-name rapper 2 me. I don't think he has any talent tho'. He's sloppy flow and delievery along with his pointless lyrics sum it all up 4 me. In these days, it's quite obvious that talent has nothing 2 do with getting a record deal.
  7. Didn't someone make an unathorized remix of "Gettin' Jiggy With It" using the original song? I remember i couldn't download it back then. If anyone has it, please post it.
  8. If the next single or 2 will pick up some steam, the album can do huge things. Then 50 Cent's childlike insecurities can kick in and he can start dissing Da 'Prince...ha ha.
  9. I'm not one 2 knock someone else's opinions. But i don't think alota people here know what flow actually means. Flow is the way u verbally handle the beat. Flow is the way your voice is on the track. Flow is how u express yourself thru' the use of your voice. It's hard 2 put in2 words, but if u don't know what it is...hopefully u do now. I actually think FP always comes correct on his flow. Some songs are stronger than others, but i think he's amoungst the best...and i'm not saying that just cuz he's my favorite emcee. I think Kanye's new album is pretty good...as far as commerical albums go. But there's no way his flow is anything about average. And on most songs, that's stretching it.
  10. DE LA SOUL - Stakes Is High Stakes Is High (1996) There's been alot of trash artists being talked about on this board...and alot of average artists exaulted as modern day legends. It's time 2 clean house and remember what it's really all about.
  11. That 50 Cent/Ja-Rule stuff is a joke 2 me. It's like watching 2 pre-schoolers fighting on a playground. All these fluffy commerical rappers have short lived careers. Ja-Rule started getting popular in 1998/1999. So it's only natural that this star start 2 fade. 50 Cent has only been big since 2002. In a few years, his hits are gonna slow down or totally disappear...just like Ja-Rule's hits have slowed down. When i look at the bulk of both of their careers, i've only ever like one 50 Cent song...and that waz "Wanksta." After that, i hated him tho'...i never saw such wackness on the horizon...ha ha. Even tho' i think Ja-Rule is garbage, he dose have a few singles that i would hear on the radio and not turn them off.
  12. I'm not knocking Kanye...but his flow is not good. Listen 2 his voice...and his artificial southern drawl that pops in from time 2 time. Kanye has never been agressive on the mic. Listen 2 FP's flow...listen 2 the way he shines on every track he's done, reguardless of the subject matter or prodution. Kanye just dosen't have that.
  13. 3Cookies texed me yesterday saying she heard "Party Starter" on the radio in ATL. I got really hyped...as if i didn't live hundreds of miles away.
  14. Lost + Found is much more on point that Late Registration. L+F is just 100 times more solid 2 me. I have Kanye's new album and i don't think it's bad at all, but there's just no comparison. FP just brings better lyrics and his flow is simply uncomparable. I don't think the albums are similar at all. Kanye has a clever lyric here and there, but FP's album has clever lyrics line 4 line (literally). And Kanye's flow is never that good.
  15. My heart still goes out 2 those people. But at the same time, people need 2 accept things and move on. Some people take losses like that, let it control their lives and define their entire existence. Which is pathetic. At some point, u have 2 realize that u are holding yourself from being happy and living a normal life. I think that days like this are for reflection, not being depressed.
  16. Someone please tell me why i should care what this fools has 2 say. His sarcasm is funny...but he stretches the boundries of idiocity.
  17. Yeah, but MJ did a song 4 9/11 with tons of artists who were on top at the time and it never came out. I'm just scared it won't happen again.
  18. STACIE ORRICO - Say It Again (da album) Before she released her 2003 album...she released a rough demo version of it in 2002...and this is it.
  19. That's his 2nd single, right? If it is, i like the beat...very 90's 2 me. But The Game and 50 Cent are wack 2 me. I'd prefer the instrumental anyday.
  20. For those talkin' about LL, i personally don't think The DEFinition isn't as good as 10. 10 has different flavas and i think the lyrics and subject matter are better. The DEFinition seems 2 radio friendly and "average" 2 me most of the time.
  21. I don't doubt that Ja-Rule might have something 2 say...but it's hard 4 me 2 take him seriously or even care after the majority of music that he has released. And i'm so against the "aka" albums where artists release music under a different name...that's wack 2 me. It should have stopped with 2Pac's Makaveli. In retrospective, Ja-Rule's stuff doesn't look as bad as it waz when u compare it 2 50 Cent's stuff.
  22. Yeah, i know Fergie voiced Sally in a few Peanuts specials. She waz also on Kid Incorporated. However, i never really knew who she waz until 1996 when i got in2 her Pop/R-N-B/Soul group Wild Orchid. Back then she looked like a barbie doll. Tasteful but tasteful cloths, platnium blonde hair, supermodel make-up...the whole thing. They released 2 albums and had moderate success with their singles. Then when i got Elephunk, i checked the credits and waz like "Where have i heard of Stacey Fergison from?"
  23. I like the idea above, that FP could be on the MJ song. FP could drop an introspective verse at the end of the song. However, we all know that everytime MJ + FP do a song...it has a habit of not getting released.
  24. MARIAH CAREY + JERMAINE DUPRI - Shake It Off The Emancipation of Mimi (2005)
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