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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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  1. Facepalm
    Hero1 reacted to Dave Nicoll in JAZZY JEFF AND FRESH PRINCE ARE BACK | 2 LIVE SHOWS   
    Sorry guys that photo is upside down for some reason! Bear with me..... photo editing is not my greatest skill! Haha!

  2. Upvote
    Hero1 reacted to Dave Nicoll in JAZZY JEFF AND FRESH PRINCE ARE BACK | 2 LIVE SHOWS   
    Right guys ... my son said I am best putting the videos on YouTube for you all then sending the link. Give me a week to suss that out! :-)
  3. Like
    Hero1 reacted to Jazzy Julie in Get Lit   
    I felt like this song needs it's own post so we can discuss it, I know there's mixed feelings. 
    Video curtosy of Juan who got the best quality video of it on the net.
    So obviously my first time hearing it was an odd one, I was still in shock we were about to hear a brand new song live. At first I wasn't sure, it sounded different from his usual stuff. By the end of the song I was jumping up and down. 
    I've since listened to it A LOT. It keeps growing on me and now I love it. I don't mind modern music unlike some some of you guys lol, so I'm bound to like it a bit more. I really hope it gets released, they made a good decision premiering it at this huge event to get the word out.
    Then if this comes out, does I mean there's a new album due?
  4. Love
    Hero1 got a reaction from Dave Nicoll in JAZZY JEFF AND FRESH PRINCE ARE BACK | 2 LIVE SHOWS   
    Here is some of the jazzyjefffreshprince.com crew - there was a lot of us there.. there was heaps of JJFP fans there it was incredible to see - everyone had made their own JJFP t-shirts! Brakes shirt got a lot of love! I'll write a whole article about the experience I just need time to process it but the concert was a lifelong dream and it was as good as I had hoped. Amazing experience. For those that couldn't go, Lynette, Jeff's wife said that when Will and Jeff got off the stage in Croatia the look in their eyes said they were going to do more of these shows...

  5. Like
    Hero1 got a reaction from FreshPrincess in JAZZY JEFF AND FRESH PRINCE ARE BACK | 2 LIVE SHOWS   
    Here is some of the jazzyjefffreshprince.com crew - there was a lot of us there.. there was heaps of JJFP fans there it was incredible to see - everyone had made their own JJFP t-shirts! Brakes shirt got a lot of love! I'll write a whole article about the experience I just need time to process it but the concert was a lifelong dream and it was as good as I had hoped. Amazing experience. For those that couldn't go, Lynette, Jeff's wife said that when Will and Jeff got off the stage in Croatia the look in their eyes said they were going to do more of these shows...

  6. Like
    Hero1 got a reaction from TheFre$hPrince in JAZZY JEFF AND FRESH PRINCE ARE BACK | 2 LIVE SHOWS   
    Here is some of the jazzyjefffreshprince.com crew - there was a lot of us there.. there was heaps of JJFP fans there it was incredible to see - everyone had made their own JJFP t-shirts! Brakes shirt got a lot of love! I'll write a whole article about the experience I just need time to process it but the concert was a lifelong dream and it was as good as I had hoped. Amazing experience. For those that couldn't go, Lynette, Jeff's wife said that when Will and Jeff got off the stage in Croatia the look in their eyes said they were going to do more of these shows...

  7. Like
    Hero1 reacted to TheFre$hPrince in JAZZY JEFF AND FRESH PRINCE ARE BACK | 2 LIVE SHOWS   
    Only the guys that Jeff already knew got backstage according to Julie's recap. Thanks to you guys I was able to have a spot in the front row, which I really enjoyed.
    Check out my recording of Boom! Shake The Room on YouTube.
  8. Love
    Hero1 reacted to fan 4ever in JAZZY JEFF AND FRESH PRINCE ARE BACK | 2 LIVE SHOWS   
    Unfortunately I didn't, but that's okay. I'm just very happy that I got the opportunity to see Jeff and Will live! That was a dream come true. And I have a feeling they will do more shows and that I will get my shot at meeting them!
  9. Love
    Hero1 reacted to Dave Nicoll in JAZZY JEFF AND FRESH PRINCE ARE BACK | 2 LIVE SHOWS   
    Ah man! Can't believe I have only just found this forum! I have been a fan since the early 90''s and have all their albums. I have been lucky enough to meet Jeff in my home town Nottingham when he did a set here. Last night was amazing! I have always wanted to see them live and still can't believe I did it last night!! I look forward to interacting with you all :-) I have some photos and videos from last night and will upload them when I figure out how to :-)
  10. Love
    Hero1 reacted to Jazzy Julie in JAZZY JEFF AND FRESH PRINCE ARE BACK | 2 LIVE SHOWS   
    The JJFP.com crew with our golden tickets, waiting to get in.

    In front of the stage.

    Will and Jeff and the mayor of Blackpool

    Me and JJFP

    The best selfie ever taken.

    The greatest hug ever!

    Will killing it

  11. Like
    Hero1 got a reaction from Ale in JAZZY JEFF AND FRESH PRINCE ARE BACK | 2 LIVE SHOWS   
    1 hour set - highlights : opened with boom and killed it.. I Wanna Rock! Parents! Just the two of us. Amazing visuals, incredible show. Heaps of clips on instagram just so a search for #jjfp17 or #livewirefestival 
  12. Love
    Hero1 reacted to fan 4ever in JAZZY JEFF AND FRESH PRINCE ARE BACK | 2 LIVE SHOWS   
    Greatest show I have ever been to! It was just amazing seeing them live. I've been a fan for almost 20 years and it was a dream come true. Great setlist, great effects and visuals. Loved every second of it. Boom! was such a great opener. And Brand New Funk and I Wanna Rock were my favorites!
    The new song is dope, something for the clubs. Hoping this will give us more music... (an album maybe?!)
  13. Like
    Hero1 got a reaction from TheFre$hPrince in JAZZY JEFF AND FRESH PRINCE ARE BACK | 2 LIVE SHOWS   
    Blackpool is now sold out!!
  14. Love
    Hero1 reacted to TheFre$hPrince in JAZZY JEFF AND FRESH PRINCE ARE BACK | 2 LIVE SHOWS   
    I ordered two golden circle tickets for my girl and me as well as flight tickets to Manchester, train tickets to Blackpool and Hotel in Blackpool. We'll arrive on Sunday and go back on Monday. So basically we'll only see the show...
  15. Like
    Hero1 got a reaction from Ale in Will on Carpool Karaoke   
    Here's the preview:

    ive watched the whole thing. My thoughts: was very funny but disappointed he only did jiggy, boom, fpoba, summertime. Would have liked more tracks. Book was definitely the highlight. More talk about music/jeff would have been better.
  16. Love
    Hero1 reacted to Jazzy Julie in JAZZY JEFF AND FRESH PRINCE ARE BACK | 2 LIVE SHOWS   
    Wow. Sounds like we owe Jeff a huge thank you. 
  17. Upvote
    Hero1 reacted to DevilsJim89 in Will on Carpool Karaoke   
    I can't wait for this! I love hearing the old records that haven't been talked about or performed. Boom! Shake the Room will be cool to see on here and then live!!
  18. Like
    Hero1 reacted to Ale in Will on Carpool Karaoke   
    It's coming!
  19. Like
    Hero1 reacted to Da Brakes in WhatsApp Group for JJFP Show   
  20. Upvote
    Hero1 got a reaction from Ale in Will on Carpool Karaoke   
    Jiggy confirmed:
  21. Upvote
    Hero1 got a reaction from scyhigh99 in New music - caution in the wild   
    Will said in one of those suicide squad interviews he's recorded 20 tracks in the last year and he likes about 4 of them. I just hope they are not all experimental, born to reign era type stuff and he actually has some solid rap tracks he's done.
  22. Upvote
    Hero1 got a reaction from scyhigh99 in New music - caution in the wild   
    It's a good song but It makes me want to hear just a straight up hip hop track with will rapping.. The fact jiggy plays straight after the new song highlights this! The app should get people hyped for new music tho!
  23. Upvote
    Hero1 got a reaction from scyhigh99 in #thathashtagtho   
    I said to Jeff on Facebook don't use that hashtag unless you mean it and he laughed! 
  24. Upvote
    Hero1 got a reaction from Shellshock in Boom! Shake The Room 95 (Rare)   
    Yeah, I've got this. I think AJ gave it to me.
  25. Upvote
    Hero1 got a reaction from scyhigh99 in Jazzy Jeff Talks new album with Will Smith   
    That was the worst crowd ever... Will & Jeff need a proper stage...and proper fans...
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