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give up?


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As long as you want to be a rapper, you should never give up. People don't start out good at something, they have to work hard for a long time to be good at it. You're lucky, your writing abilities are pretty good already... it may take you a while to get your writting and your rapping to high level, but if you keep at it, you can do it.

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should i just give up rapping? im having so much trouble finding good beats cause my voice sounds retarted nothing flows with a beat...i just feel like im awful at this whole thing.

i understand u man..many times i thought in give up..but a rapper not always have good times wit his flow..so better keep practicin, things will change trsut me :2thumbs:

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How old are u? u've still got decades to perfect this art, just like me...plus no one likes to quit and no one likes they own voice, it's just what people are...they doubt themself...

Some do. Some doesnt. For example, I dont doubt myself, I know I'm going to reach what I aim for. And I love my voice. So sweet.

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If u give up now...u'll find out if it's your thing. When i got away from writing and started doing alot of acting...it held me over, but i regularly wanna get back in 2 it. I'll write something once in awhile. Me and my cousin have talked about recording some of the silly stuff we wrote years ago...along with creating some new stuff.

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Never give up dude! If rap is what you seriously want to do then you need to keep at it:

"Nothing comes easy it takes much practise".

When I listen back to the tapes I had when I first started out they were absolutely terrible! It really makes me cringe to think I was showing people them back in the day.

But the more you keep practising and the more you keep rhyming the better you'll get. Its simple logic, the more you do something the better you'll get at it. If I compare what I'm doing now to what I was doing when I started out, I like to think that there is a huge difference!

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Give up rapping? Hmm. Just try to find your flow. Study other artists. Imitate them at first, then maybe inject your own style or mix it up. We're only going to get so different.

"And I love my voice. So sweet." - Lerkot. I wish I could say the same thing. I don't love it, but I don't hate it either.

I'll be honest. If rapping isn't your thing, then it just isn't your thing, no matter how much you admire it. Had I not found useful and meaningful reasoning as to why I rap, I probably wouldn't be doing it anymore. If you do give it up, and then one day, you just can't help it and go right back to it, obviously it's something you enjoy, even if it's not quite to your liking just yet.

Now, if your talking about giving up because you're not a rising superstar, RE-think everything. There may be something your not realizing. Once you do, analyze and understand, maybe adjust.

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I wouldn't say give it up, if thats where your heart lies. I say, give yourself a break to do some soul searching, and reflecting on where you are, versus where you wanna be with your skills. surely you are your own worst critic, which can be a wonderful thing, but dont take so much tyme off in reflection, so much that you lose focus, making it hard to get back on track tho...

Once you set your mind to it, and 'know what areas you need improvement in, you will take a more positive approach in fixing what YOU feel wrong... if that made any sense... practice brings perfection... just like my art, the more I draw, the better my pieces become, and i love it...

dont give it up... cuz when u make it, i want a small beachhouse 4 keepin ya tail motivated. :yeah: lmbo. kiddN... :lolsign:

so just :rockon: on do ya thang!



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