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Black in Sweden/Most boring country


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An unwritten rule is to love your hood

But please cant we do a exception if its filled with wood?

Im Swedish and mostly im pretty happy with that

But then my head and heart reminds me of the hating of rap

Swedes are so calm and quiet, so diplomatic and so living in the past

Hiphop is like “no I wont buy it”, “that music is to hard and fast”

And if you are obsessed with the rap game

None of the girls will be screaming your name

They feel its kind of geeky, and they think that all the rappers are the same

Some swearing black guy is what they think, but they should be ashamed

That type of stereotypes should have been dropped in the past

After all those years that have passed, people lookin different doing different stuff

Still seems to be enough reasons to hate someone

Swedish people thinks that all black people can do is run run run

and rap rap rap and even if the thinking have been starting to change

its still there which is pretty strange

Of course if a swede sees a black guy on the street

He wont hurry to the car and run him over with a jeep

But neither will he ask him for a walk on the street

He wont even step forward and start to talk

Is this because the guy is black?

Or because he thinks the guy is a rapper filled with guns and crack?

No, because Swedish people doesn’t talk

The only thing Swedish people can do when theyre with people is to gawk

Im really annoyed over the situation

And my frustration might be hurting the flow

But I doesn’t care, because my only aim is to show how it is

In the coldest country of Europe, empty from fun and joy

Work and cleaning is more common than a girl loving a boy

So if your parents or your friends wants to move here

You got all reason to fear, they will get depressed and prolly kind of stressed

And watch out, the suicidal rate is high

Yeah I know, kind of makes you wanna cry

Notice, this is my absoulte first rap and its just the first version, im going to modify it and so, but anyway it felt like I could post it even if I as normal swedish persons are very afraid of showing stuff like this :)

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1. Great rap :thumb: especially for your first

2. Be careful stereotyping your ppl as stereotypers, lol, just sayin

3. "My bumb is on the Swedish" -Tom Green

4. "Wooooooooow..." -Me, upon the realization that I only have a vague understanding of where sweden is, despite the fact that I am an educated 18 year old currently taking Advanced Placement European history (I'm googeling "world map" right now...)

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That's a nice rhyme there Lerkot, I get a good idea of what Swedish people think about hip-hop now, thanks for sharing that!

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