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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by JamesUK

  1. You must have been stood close to me then, this happens every time i go to london for something will related. I end up stood near someone off here and don't know it. These things need to be arranged to prevent this in future :smart:
  2. *Shouts * Yes, but not from walmart :arg:
  3. It's been, said a thousand times, its a walmart exclusive !!
  4. I don't know what michelle looks like :hmm: , i wasn't able to see julie, but maybe when they look, they might be able to see themselves and sadly i couldn't see myself either
  5. Why are they going via london though.
  6. this will most likely be on all version but the us version of the dvd has more footage of the 3 premieres in a day, as a special feature
  7. I wanted to ask the same. so you're going to the concert in UK i guess. but is anyone going to Philly? In Berlin is a concert too, but 1. I don't live there and 2. the artists performing aren't that great like in other cities. ← I hope i get tickets, it should be such a great day, and i want to lend my support
  8. Yeh, when they did this at the I, Robot thing, i thought they were different lyrics
  9. Jonathon Ross is the T.V. (not the actual concert) host, and graham norton is gonna be the host from philly by the way has anyone else applied for tickets ??
  10. I'll second what ted said, is that right that Mos Def has a new album
  11. For everyone in england the concert in London and Philly will be on BBC all day aswell as on BBC radio
  12. but some of those places you listed as certian are far from it, there are only two which are really certain
  13. Yeah Hitch, how could i forget to put the name of the film
  14. I orderd the american dvd from play.com they posted it to me a whole week !! before it's release so I have it already :pony:
  15. It's an awsome film, It's the nereast to the comic book out of all the films that have been released. Apparently the script is almost word for word from the originals
  16. Just saw it on the repeat, It wasn't as bad as your all saying, i know from first hand experience that just cus you didn't hear to crowd on t.v. doesn't mean they were not screaming and shouting(even after the 4th time !) Doe's anyone know it's they stayed around for the game
  17. It was posted ages ago will's gonna be in philly so it's a safe bet the other two will be at that one
  18. For people like me in the UK who can't stay up till 2 am, as i have work in the morning, it's repeated at 7pm
  19. Thats alot of places, i doubt the tour will even go to some of the places you mentioned as certain
  20. I'm not religious at all, kinda like a free spirit, but this thread is no problem to me, go on express yourselves how you want ......
  21. Same here, i'm just hopeing they will be good games and i will be happy
  22. i'm sorry but whenever mel b is mentioned i can only think of Bo Selects (UK people will understand)
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