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Everything posted by MissAshley

  1. I'm glad they weren't in to deep, Will can't swim, lol.
  2. http://www.gettyimages.com/Search/Search.a...3&src=quick about the film: http://lightning-ent.com/movie/view/65
  3. if they're only adding what they re-shot last weekend hopefully it's just a rumor. It doesn't seem like it should take that long to edit, unless they're continuing reshoots while Will's doing Seven Pounds....big letdown, even though I wasn't going I would love to see the performance.
  4. get ready for a new Scientology scandal, apparently "Study Technology" by that Hubbard dude is part of the curriculum. here we go again. :P
  5. :shrug: what's really going on? Hancock May Be In Trouble Disturbing news from the realm of Will Smith’s superhero movie Hancock. The movie’s world premiere had been scheduled to happen next month in Australia. Everyone from Will Smith to Peter Berg was scheduled to attend, but now not so much. The film’s premiere has been unceremoniously cancelled. What’s really worrisome here is the reason it may have been cancelled. Our sources tell us they aren’t having the premiere, because the movie won’t be ready. It won’t be ready because they won’t have a print, and they won’t have a print, because rumor is that the movie is headed for re-shoots. There may be problems with Hancock. The film is set to open worldwide on July 2nd, which makes this a bit late to be pulling the thing out of the can and re-shooting it. On the other hand, there were rumors that Will Smith’s last film I Am Legend went through similar troubles, and that ultimately turned out pretty good. If this is true, maybe it’ll be for the best. http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Hancock-May...ouble-8851.html
  6. usually I don't post stuff from the tabs, but this actually looks legit. looks like they have friends and family that homeschool their kids too. Will Smith Private School: Will Smith School “The New Village Academy Of Calabasas” Will Smith is investing $1 million in the construction and development of a private school near his Calabasas, California estate. “The academy will be run privately, and will include prekindergarten through grade 6.” Will has leased Indian Hills High School campus, which he will rename The New Village Academy of Calabasas. “Will paid $889,000 to lease the campus for three years, plus he’ll cover all the additional costs such as utilities,” an insider told The National Enquirer. According to a spokesperson, The New Village Academy, which will operate under the motto “Spiral Up,” will be “open to all races, religions, and creeds.” The New Village Academy boasts: Organic low-fat breakfasts and lunches with no fried foods or refined sugar, as well as a cirriculum, developed in cooperation with Will and Jada, featuring instruction ion Spanish, Technology, and Robotics. Tuition will range from $7,500 to $12,500. http://hiphop.popcrunch.com/will-smith-pri...y-of-calabasas/ from the site: http://newvillageacademy.net/ New Village Academy is a Pre-kindergarten through Grade 6 (in 2008) independent school scheduled to open in Fall, 2008. Currently, a home school, we are thrilled to announce that we have just secured a site for our school! The site will be at 4345 N. Las Virgenes Road in Calabasas, California at what currently is a school in the Las Virgenes Unified School District. NVA will be fully operational in the fall (September 3 is the first day of school) after we spend the summer moving in and making campus improvements. We are now accepting applications. Please contact Dr. Jacquie Olivier at NVA at 818-716-4196 with questions about the school, our philosophy, mission and goals. Spiral Up!
  7. honestly I think he just got too big as an actor, hate to say it but his acting career has eclipsed his music career.
  8. personally I don't see the resemblance, lol. I'm not a fan of that generic stereotype that all black folks look alike (don't think he looks like Obama either) but anyway...I sincerely hope when promos for this movie start we don't have to listen to Will gush about them in every interview, like he did about their wedding when he was promoting Pursuit, and the whole scientology debacle during the Legend tour. It irks me when he's promoting a film and somebody always throws a damn Cruise reference into the conversation.
  9. I just thought about it, you're in the middle of one film, and you have to stop to go back and reshoot parts of the last one. I guess that's the life of a movie star, lol. I hope it's not a bad sign for the movie, is this all b/c they're pushing for PG-13?
  10. the MPAA issue, not sure if it's been posted. WILL SMITH'S 'HANCOCK' FIGHTS RATINGS BOARD: Producers want PG-13 but MPAA twice slapped it with an R. *The upcoming Will Smith movie "Hancock" is having trouble getting the PG-13 rating desired by the film's producers. According to the New York Times, the $150 million film has been submitted twice to the ratings board and tagged each time with an R, citing several objectionable scenes. Director Peter Berg revealed that the movie – starring Smith as an unconventional, alcoholic superhero – contained scenes of a statutory rape up until three weeks ago. Another scene, changed before filming began, had Hancock getting drunk with a 12-year-old. The final version features the same scene with a 17-year-old. Nevertheless, Berg says that the film "remained surprisingly sexual, violent and true in spirit to an original script" from screenwriter Vincent Ngo. His early draft was considered "brilliant, but unfilmable" in early studio buzz. The current film is now undergoing a tug-of-war of sorts between the filmmakers who want to keep the darker and more dramatic meat of the story - and both the studio execs and ratings boards who want something that will pull in as big an audience as possible under a PG-13 rating. Helping soothe this is the film's marketing campaign, which apparently plays up the lighter and more comedic moments of the film. [see trailer below.] Berg admits: "The ad campaign for this movie is much friendlier than the film." Sony chief Amy Pascal says "It’s scary in that it goes farther than we’ve gone before." http://www.eurweb.com/story/eur43339.cfm
  11. do those people at mtv realize those weren't aliens in I am Legend?...I mean did they even see the movie?
  12. http://x17video.com/celebrity_video/rosari...io_and_will.php
  13. Happy Birthday AJ, from one Taurus to another. :w00t:
  14. thnx for the info on the suit guys. does anyone know how long this film is supposed to shoot for? I know he's got the Hancock tour coming up, I'm wondering if it'll be wrapped by then.
  15. more pics of Will, I wonder how much of the movie he spends wearing this suit. http://pacificcoastnewsonline.com/2008/04/...bout-sharp.html
  16. hmm, doesn't really sound like a diss, more like he's playing on the fact that most people know Will makes twenty million (more actually like TopDawg said) dollars a film. not exactly smart to be dissing a business partner (carol's daughter) on a record but stranger things have happened.
  17. I believe she's biracial and her husband is white, her daughter looks just like her. cute kids.
  18. cool name, congrats on your new addition. :wiggle:
  19. aww, I'm late, but glad you're having a Happy B-day Angel. :wiggle:
  20. the page is down for the moment, but there's a few more pics here http://pacificcoastnewsonline.com/
  21. yeah it was taped like last May or June something, there's already a thread about it. I guess it took so long to air b/c of all the cancellation spin off issues they're having. I've tried watching but their overacting was so awful (like a lot of Disney shows) seems like they were better back when they did "Big Daddy".
  22. apparently Hancock also I think i'm gonna quit reading the early reviews b/c it's just getting more silly to me.
  23. is she really that great an actress or are people just caught up in her looks? I'm not familiar with the whole Bollywood thing but I do know that she's a big star over there, it just seems like when anyone talks abuut her it's in regards to her looks.
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