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Ok, is david stern trying to ruin the NBA?


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First, there was the dress code, which is alright in my book, but then came this silly "Language" Rule, regarding Players using the "N Word"...Now I'm hearing he wants it where, Stadiums can't play music during the GAMES!

What's that!? only crowd noise?Man, anyone who has ever been to a live game can back me up on this. the music really adds to the excitement. Pumps up the crowd and players.

The Defense Chant music, ETC ETC ETC...Come on Stern, this is pretty pointless. I sure as hell hope this has nothing to do with the brawl last year, giving the NBA a bad name for a short while.

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I used to think that David Stern was a good commissioner, but of late, a lot of his ideas have been questionable. Having loud music playing during the game really adds to it and gets the fans pumped up, I don't know why he wouldn't want that?

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I mean, I dont want to bring race into it, but think about it, what kind of music is played a lot at these games? Pump up jams, and HIP HOP MUSIC.

Really makes you think, is Stern trying to steer the NBA away from hip hop? For a while now, the NBA and Rap mmusic have been like a married couple. Everytime you had one, the other wasn't too far away. is he trying to, Figuratively speaking "BReak them up"?

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Yeah, all of his latest moves seem to be anti hip-hop. Ever since the brawl last year, he has been trying to disassociate the league from its hip-hop image.

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The NFL's doing the same thing now too sorta since that Janet Jackson incident they're probably not gonna have any artists from the hip-hop generation perform at the Super Bowls for a while, it's unfair how one single incident like that makes everyone look bad, it's unfair, only those who do it should be punished, not everyone...

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