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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jazzy Julie

JJFP.com Potnas
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Everything posted by Jazzy Julie

  1. Happy Birthday Guys! I hope your enjoying Spain Brakes.
  2. Photobucket and tinypic have some. Or you can make you own at gifsoup, its really easy even i can do it.
  3. It looks like silver paint to me. Is painting your ears the fashion these days?
  4. Sounds too goo to be true. I would love this so much, and i was thinking the same thing about Aunt Viv lol.
  5. Have a nice time and i hope you have a good birthday over there too!
  6. Thanx guys, i had a great day yesterday, im exhausted today, i think at 26 i cant keep up anymore.
  7. LOL. It's only available for a few more days tho so thats some consolation! Yes it is thank u lol. I just hope the bbc doesnt get mad like MTV did and try and shut down my youtube account.
  8. **** i just spent ages doing that haha, i wouldnt have bothered if i knew it was on iplayer with better quality.
  9. Ive uploaded a video of the Smiths on the one show. Yes unfortunatly i still use the point the camera at the tv method so the quality is rubbish, sorry but it was that or nothing and this was far too good to miss, especially Will's mishap with a blueberry.
  10. lmao i love how a meeting about a movie has turned into a scientology lunch just bcoz Tom Cruise was there.
  11. If Will only has a 1000 people that want another album its no wonder he wont record anymore lol.
  12. Jaden and Jackie Chan were on the Chris Moyles show on thursday. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/chrismoyles/ Go to listen now and Jackie is at 2.29.00 Jaden is at 2.45.00 Its only up until thursday :(
  13. Please no dont let this happen!!! I dont understand the worlds obsession with vampires, they are not sexy and they are not cool. Will doesnt need to follow the crowd and do this.
  14. Happy Birthday Chris! Have a good one.
  15. I doubt they were dating but Will sure looks happy to be next to her in that pic. Mariahs hair omg lol.
  16. I cant wait for any updates Kev, good luck!
  17. lol is that Nod Ya Head where he didnt wanna be in the video, omg that seems so long ago now.
  18. Watching England is painful. Getting knocked out by the Germans is bad enough, but getting battered by them is terrible lol.
  19. Well basically Will is doing his usual talk on how you can be what u wanna be, if you put your mind to something you can do it and Howard is just saying he sounds crazy. He just says crap about who says that kinda thing on Oprah and they laugh about how Oprah agrees with everything. Thing is tho, they can laugh all the want but the theory works, hes the biggest movie star in the world and has a marriage thats been going over 10 years. I want what they are having. Basically, probably not worth listening its 19 mins of him saying Will sounds crazy.
  20. Yeah its been getting worse over the past few years, but what can you do. There could be a lot worse things they could be making up about him. Just bcoz he has a friend that is a different religion to him doesnt mean hes that religion too.
  21. No i want Will.i.am to get with Cheryl. The poor none Ukers wont have a clue about this conversation.
  22. The picture? yes i did lol. I had to choose carefully, some wernt suitable for this site.
  23. Well he had a hit back in the 90's http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9YHg07NLLc He dissapeared until he was on a reality tv program and met Katie Price (see pic), who he married, had 2 kids with and then divorced and now he does reality tv shows about his new album etc.
  24. omg Prince is that really you, you've not been here in forever. Where have u been? Now this really is a trip down memory lane, now we just need to find jonny5.
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