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Posts posted by scyhigh99

  1. Let's get ready for some rantinggggggggggg!...

    First and foremost, all Chuck did was, at some point in the interview, defend the merits of 3 artists who catch alot of flack. He never, from as far as we know, drew any further comparisons between Will, Hammer, and Vanilla. So relax about that.

    Next, I'd just like to say that "Ice Ice Baby," in my view, is one of the elite, classic songs OF LIFE. It's right up there with tracks like Billy Joel's "Piano Man" and Sugarhill Gang's "Rappers Delight." Mind you, I'm not drawing a comparison between these three songs artistically in any way. I'm just saying that they're all in that pantheon of "Songs That Transcend Musical Taste." You know what I'm saying?

    Was Vanilla Ice a groundbreaking, or even respectably talented MC? Probably not. Do I like any other Vanilla songs I've heard outside of "Ice Ice Baby?" Nope. But I absolutely love that track, and I always will.

    I think you can enjoy music on several levels. You can appreciate what the artist is saying through his lyrics. You can just love the vibe, the beat of a song. Or maybe the song just takes you back to a time and a place. And so on.

    These are the types of reasons that I'm not ashamed to say that I have 3 (three!) Spice Girls tracks on my iPod. And although I fully believe he is a horrible rapper and a detriment to the rap game, I also have 50 Cent's "P.I.M.P."

    And this is also why I will always get pumped to start singing along when I hear 'Nilla scream: "Let's kick it!"

    Word to ya motha. :cya:

  2. Let it be known that after the generous act of giving blood Friday made me, well, a tad sick that night :puke: I went onto the comp and was greeted with the suggestion that I eat dog food. I didn't feel the need to respond at the time. Thanks for that, though, and the other suggestions thus far: women's undergarments (intreguing research) and green ketchup. I'll see what I can put together from your collective randomness lol :toetap:

  3. So I'm drivin down my street bright and waaaaaaaay too early this morning when I realize that I forgot to grab a CD for the ride to school. :mad22: So, with nowhere else to turn, I flip on the radio. What happens next warrants its own thread, especially considering I have nothing better to do @ the moment (besides an english paper on "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" due tommorow, but comon)...

    Much to my surprise, as I scan the channels searching for something decent, I find a familiar tune playing on Boston's pop station, Kiss 108: "Party in the city when the heat is on..." Si, fue "Miami"! When the track ends, we go back to the usual morning fare on this station: the Matty in the Morning show. So our host and good friend Matty soon informs me that Will will be performing at Kiss Concert 2005. :dancingcool: Yep, he's officially comin to the Hub - I will try not to let this announcement be tainted by the fact that this appearence will come at a Pop concert also featuring the likes of Gwen Stefani, whose musical stylings just keep getting better and better (or worse and worse, for those who aren't in tune with sarcasm), and that this concert is anually attended by thousands of very loud 11-13 year olds. Basically, this is still amazing news. Matty and his partners in morning-fluff go on to talk about how it should be cool to meet Will, and mention that he still seems like a humble guy despite all his success - they cite his ears as a means of humility by default (I laughed grudgingly, as I have quite "prominant" ears myself). Then they went on to make the always-frustrating Jazzy Jeff jokes - something about, "is DJ Jazzy Jeff gonna be there?... What's he doing these days? Haha... Maybe he'll be selling hotdogs at concessions or something... Now people are REALLY gonna wanna get tickets, if DJ Jazzy Jeff is gonna re-appear." What gets me about this is that they clearly knew he was still around, and made brief mention of the fact that Jeff and Will still collab together, but I guess you never let the facts get in the way of a good joke.

    Ok, that's my ridiculously long and disjointed story for today. Laterrrrrr. :cya:

  4. haha u should be a writer, but with less switch hating and more smilies.  :thumb:

    :thanks: Thank you, that's actually my plan - gonna major in journalism when I head off to college next year. And sorry about the "hating," just my opinion! Also, my mission to pepper all my posts with as many smileys as possible shall continue, worry not. :ohnoes:

  5. Track Three: Switch

    It is a fact that the only reason I ever joined this forum, after about 4 years or so of visiting jazzyjefffreshprince.com, was so I could get the mp3 of "Switch." :wavey: It is also equally true that my first several posts on this forum consisted of a laughably heated exchange between me and Tim about this track. It went something like this...

    Me: "Switch is a horrible piece of crap!"

    Hero: "Why are you here if you're just a hater?"

    Me: "All I'm sayin is that with Born to Reign and now this, I think Will's officially lost it."

    Hero: "Yep, you're an idiot."

    ...Or at least that was the basic jist of it. I'm pretty sure I MIGHT have been over-the-top at times in this argument, and I MIGHT have been warned about possibly getting the boot as a member (ouch). In the end, though, we straightened things out, mostly through the powerful bond of clickable smileys :peace: and I've been cool here since - as far as I can tell lol. However, one thing has not changed: I'm still not a fan of Switch. :mad8: I still think it's a repetitive beat, with an annoying hook, and decidedly unspectacular rhymes. But hey, I guess that's just my opinion. Despite what I may think, it IS doing pretty well as a single, all things considered, so I guess a good number of people disagree with me. Which brings me to my second random anecdote... After a field trip last week at school, me and a bunch of compadres hit up a Mexican restaurant for lunch. As I was inhaling a delectible beef burritto, a friend mentioned, had anyone heard that new Will Smith song? He thought it was pretty good, he said. I immediately replied that yeah, I had heard it, and it was absolutely terrible. :eek4: I know. I know what you ppl are gonna say. And I heard those replies about fandom and support that you would say in my head, and immediately redeemed myself by mentioning that the album had come out the day before, and that he should check that out as a whole. :thumb: That's right, I'm givin myself the thumbs up.

    (that was ridiculously long... it might be a while before track 4 :wiggle: )

  6. Track Two: Party Starter

    The first few times I listened to Lost & Found, I admittedly skipped over "Party Starter." Feel free to slap me via smiley for that one. :slap: You see, the chorus just seemed a little generic (because, well... it is) and the whole thing was more aggressive than is usually my style - I like a more laid back feel for the most part. However, it has more than grown on me. The rhymes, especially as the song progresses, are well done, and I like the stuff he's sayin. And Luda's beat has without question become one of my favorites to blast in my (mom's) pimptastic Ford Taurus. :drive: Overall, another top-notch track here, definately a fun song. If Will wanted to release a club/dance-type piece as his first single off the album, I will never understand why this wasn't the choice over Switch.

    (speaking of which... track #3 review comin up right quick!)

  7. Lost & Found: ScyView

    Track One: Here He Comes

    Here IT comes - that's right, my first random anecdote of questionable necessity, right off the bat :ridepony: ... This past summer, when I was visiting a friend who moved up to Albany, I was sort of conned into going to the movies with him and his girl. Besides the obvious akwardness that goes with that 3rd wheel role, the movie was Spiderman 2, and I am not at all into the comic-book-movie thing. Anyhoo, this night was salvaged by two things and two things only: ample amounts of Watermelon Sour Patch Kids, which are obscenely delicious, and those scenes with the lady playing the old school Spiderman theme on a banjo or something out on the sidewalk. I love that tune, as I love many ridiculous TV show theme songs... Captain Planet, anyone? So when I heard that none other than the Magnificent DJ Jazzy Jeff would be sampling the Spidey theme for a track on Will's new album... well, like Savage Garden, I knew I loved you before I met you, "Here He Comes" :inlove: (what an obscure, horrible reference). And the track definately validated my lofty expectations. I will never understand why some ppl on these boards hated on it - it's the perfect opener! I know most of us had heard the rhymes on it from the Westwood "freestyle" already, so that may have been a little dissapointing at first, but its a great rap to explain his return to the world of music, and a perfect little opening diddie for Lost & Found. Yes, I just called this track a "diddie." Booyah, Stuart Scott style. :chuks:

    (track 2 review comin in a minute... get PUMPED)

  8. i dont even wanna hear your review anymore.. you got me so hyped i came here every 15 minutes praying it would be up but no  .. and i will now end this with the most random smiley ever :shower:

    Well, I apologize profusely for any emotional damages I might have caused, but I am actually typing up my review-- at long last-- right now. :guru: Hey, I'm a busy guy, but better late than never!

  9. You ppl really think that would be a big problem in the US? I know there are some ignorant ppl out there, and I know I'm def from one of the supposedly more liberal areas of the country but... that's sad.

  10. My JJFP fandom started when I first heard Men in Black on the radio and realized that it was Will Smith, the guy from the FPOBA. Then I realized how amazing my detective skills were when I heard about how he had rapped before too, under the name of "Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince," and pieced together that Jazz from the show was probably the DJ in that old group. :grin:

  11. As a Catholic I can feel this loss - this was the only Pope I've ever known - but BigTed was right about everyone needing to respect the man. Agree with him or don't on certain issues, but everyone has to recognize that he was a man of morals who spent his whole life working for justice, trying to protect all human life, and opening himself up to the world. RIP.

  12. I definately have all of you beat...

    He's the DJ, I'm the Rapper (CD)

    And In This Corner... (iTunes)

    JJFP Greatest Hits (CD)

    Platinum and Gold Collection (CD)

    Big Willie Style (CD)

    Willenium (CD)

    Born to Reign (CD)

    Lost & Found (iTunes)

    The Magnificent (CD)

    ...Try to hold back the jealousy, if you can. :dance:

  13. scyhigh99, what part of Boston are you from? I'm feeling that Antoine Walker avatar, prodigal son and all.

    Im from the town of H20, which is right outside of Brighton. And as far as the Toine avatar, it should be noted that I put that pic up there a good 2 weeks BEFORE the trade that brought him back to the Celts. Pretty crazy, I must say.


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