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Posts posted by Typhoon20

  1. I have 'Shy Guy', high quality video too, but for some reason it wont let me put it on rapid share :speechless:

    anyone got any suggestions?

    Trax, welcome first of all, and secondly rapidshare has a limit of 30 mb.

    I am assuming your file is larger then 30 mb.

    The best way are to put it up on yousendit.


    It's easy, just fill out any mail, for example 424dws@msn.com or 353fe@hotmail.com

    and select the file and hit UPLOAD button, easy.

    You send it has a 1gb file limit, but dies quicker the file.

  2. I REALLY want to go to this but i just dont have the money to go! Jeff is gonna be there as well and they're doing a set! Its set to be an awesome event made better by the appearence of Will and Jeff! ARRRR :bang:

    Don't worry da brakes :thumb:

    You'll get to see it :peace:

  3. Wendy Williams: (Watches CNN People and sees the news about larry elder,

    and gets frightened, starts to trip the entire day in fear and fever and wants to crie

    because she's afraid that will put larry out of business, and she's next, haha take that biatch, she can't sleep, she sees willie in her dreams, what a hell for wendy well :)

    Who thinks wendy williams is in a shock and fear right now ? :kekeke:

  4. My plan would have been:

    Tell me why:

    Radio Release - NOW!

    CD release - 2-3 Weeks

    Party Starter

    Radio Release - middle June

    Cd - Beginning of July

    Pump Ya Breakz

    Radio - Beginning of august

    Cd - End of August

    The sales should be holding up 'til september then.

    Album should do atleast 35-40k a week, with a push around 60k at the time tell me why and part ystarter is released.

    Then i'd expect a new album to the spring of 2006 =)

    Your living in dream land with them dates mate.

    Tell ME Why shud hit radio and TV by the end of May hopefully, maybe June. Then the single be released in July. Its only 2 months and summer is well and truly here

    No, no no no no no , and NO :slap: :kekeke:

    That would be NOT so smart in my books,

    Tell me why in july does not make sense at all,

    actually it could but the reason it can't seems like will has party starter

    that's waiting for a release in summer, and if your gonna release Tell my why in july

    it means the 3rd single will be out around september, and that's just wrong.

    Switch has been out for nearly 1,5 months, and on top of that,

    you want to wait till july which is another 3 months.

    So basically 4 months of waiting for another single, dunno with the 2 summer tracks

    on it, I dont see that happening.

  5. Lost & Found is living off 1 single guys, don't expect so much sales already. Milk Switch for all it is, wait patientally for Tell Me Why and the album will rise again. Simple as that, there is no need to rush. Overall sales will be high overtime.


    You know how impatience us fans can be :kekeke:

    If it was up to me , I would release 8 songs in 2 months :wiggle:

  6. First Lil Kim then Foxy Brown and D'Angelo. Why all these ppl that have millions are getting into trouble with the law? Are they bored? Hell, give me the money that they make and I promise I won't be bored with it. :fingersx: :angel:

    haha true, all that money and they still ask for problems

    He or she who says, money doesn't equal happiness, well he or she's WRONG :wiggle:

  7. Money dosen't equal love. I don't know his situation or his involvment in their lives, but this women sound like they want his money and dont' wanna work a day for the rest of their lives. I mean, do they really need $22,000 to $30,000 a month to cover the child's needs?!?

    Well I never said money equals or should equal to love,

    but, from my own experience with these kinda situations,

    I can guarantee you that I actually dont care if this woman fakes it or not,

    it also doesnt matter to me if she's just out for the money,

    or if she doesn't have to work for the rest of her life,

    I am not the cheap guy who knocks down girls and make them pregnant,

    and then doesn't even take responsibility on it,

    fact is the woman went to a misery of 1 year to bring a child to the world,

    and the main reason is diddy not being cautious, and he is responsible,

    SHOULD BE RESPONSIBLE, obviously the judge thinks the same way,

    of the kid and the woman.

    This isn't also the first and only girl he made pregnant,

    and on top of all this, he even doesn't feel resposible in any way.

    So yea, he should pay for it, the least he could do innit.

    I just hate these kinda people

  8. My own point of view:

    I don't download much music, but only when a good new album get's released,

    I'll download it, and test it, if I find it quality music, not just 1 song but the album,

    I'll most certainly will buy it.

    The only artist with which I'll buy the album without downloading is will smith.

    Even if it's not good, it's something personal haha.

    A couple years ago, I'd used to spent all my money on cd's,

    do you know how frustrating it is to spend 20 euro's on a album

    that's hyped and has the worst songs on it ?

    I payed a lot of euro's to albums, that really sucked, in a big way.

    My point is, you need to see it, in this case of music, hear it,

    to know sure it's what you want.

    So our music store, now has the option to listen to a whole album in the store,

    and make your mind before you buy it, this is a great way for me.

    When I went to buy lost & found for the 2nd time, I wanted to check the albums of

    J-lo rebirth and Mimi's emancipation of mariah, so the owner of the store set it up for me and I listened to all of the songs on the album, I ditched mariah's latest one, and bought J-Lo's Rebirth, yes yes I know i know , still I liked the album :angel:

    Downloading is a delicate situation, as you never can know for sure,

    if the downloader actually just downloads without buying.

    I wouldn't be mad if people downloaded mariah carey's album and not buy it,

    but I would be mad if they download will's music and not buy it


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