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Posts posted by Typhoon20

  1. I wouldn't go as far as calling J-Lo talentless... she can dance... and she can sing, I won't lie... She can also act... But she just hasn't reached that level that Will is on. She should definitely be lower.

    Eaxctly son (damn I been acting like westwood all week damn son hehe)

    She can sing,

    She can act,

    She can dance.

    But can she make 20 mill a movie ?

    Does her movies make 300+m ?

    Did she get nominated for an oscar ?

    J-Lo is fading away with every year, she was the thing the first 2 years when

    she got the hits, then slowly she fell apart with acting and singing, hell she can't dance

    like she used to anymore, not enough INPUT.

    Will always gives 100%, something I can never say for others

  2. Also I have witnessed Will being nothing but the nicest person to fans signing autographs getting pictures taken.. He gets this his whole life, which if I was in his position i would consider it quite difficult, but he shows everyone nothing but the utmost respect.. I think another way he gives sumthin to fans is by continually releasing quality movies and music for everyone to enjoy...

    I read the topic and needed to get this off my chest.

    I think will does the right thing, it doesn't matter for me if I can take

    a picture with him, or meet him etc. or expect things from him.

    Most people get on a picture with will just to show it to their friends and brag about it,

    sure i'd like a picture with will 2, sometime I'll see that happening, but that picture is going to go into my album and movie collection of will, I'll keep that picture till I die,

    that's the meaning of a picture for me with will.

    The only thing I except as a real fan from will is him giving us his love,

    this by making music albums and movies, when he stops doing those things,

    especially music, that'll break my heart.

    It's a tough situation you know, could U love me if my albums were not so good,

    could U love me if I wasn't on top of the world, etc. this goes for will and every other artist, fans are very unfair sometimes,yes Born 2 reign wasn't as good as any album will did, but even so real fans buy it, why ?

    Because you love will, and if you love someone, you expect nothing back,

    a 1 way love, I bought the album even though it wasnt that good,

    but at least I got another will smith article that goes into my collection and heart.

    How many fans will go on a picture with will smith when he hits his 70th year,

    and how many fans will go on a picture with will right now.

    The difference can be huge.

    If he makes crap albums, or good ones, bad movies, or great ones,

    it don't matter 2 me, I won't be missing anything will will make.

  3. first type in your e-mail adress

    then click the browse button and locate the file on ur computer

    then go down 2 the bottom and click Send It. once it has finished uploading (this may take a long time) it will give u the address 2 the file. copy and paste that adress here

    What he said :wiggle:


    Bagotrasho, thanks for the efforts 50 mb is huge to upload, so much appreciated.


  4. ok, i just downloaded some of the trax of lost&found, and i just wondered about one thing: how can there be such a huuuuge gap between two remixes of the same song?? i mean, that r&b remix of switch is just very very god, and that hidden remix with this elephant man or whatever is just some of the biggest bull**** i've ever heard...haha... trash!

    When that remix hits the clubs in the Northeastern US, there will be a lot of people feeling it. The beat is crazy...

    Some people just aren't feeling that reggae beat, but it's all good. Everyone has their likes and dislikes.

    Exactly !

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