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Posts posted by 3cookies

  1. I'm a huge Janet Jackson fan,... and I added it to my myspace muzik about 2 weeks ago... and I love it. Janet is on my friends list, ...and if u guys wanna give her a shout.. feel free. She does check her myspace everyday, and its NOT her assistant... strait from Janet herself... :2thumbs:

    When it was first released on the radio, some ppl were not showin her love,...but I've always been her fan from her very first album... shes definately a great entertainer...



  2. I remember when u and I was online watching Hieroglyphics concerts for hours timboat YEARS ago... haha... u and AJ would always give me heads up on new good muzic before id go out and get it... and yes, I did get this , cuz i remember going on a 'solo' vacation to Miami hanging out at the beach...and this was a real chilled cd that i brought along...

    I must agree with u on this one... :2thumbs:



  3. awwwww Willreign... I've known u for sooo long... (we have rather) I sure do worry about ur safety because i know how devistating it is in that environment. I wish i could just pack u in my bag, and bring u over here to the US...

    but in reality, be as safe as possible, and always watch ur back stanka... a stray bullet or anything destructive of that nature has no single persons name on it.. sometimes its a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong tyme..

    i love u stank...

    and ur in my prayers,..i hope everything settles sooner than later... cuz i sure couldn't swallow a pill or thought of 'losing' one of my fellow JJFP faM TO something thats not necessary in the first place...

    i hope theres no fightin on this thread,..and im too tired to read it throuigh...

    i c u guys lata... gtg...



  4. I would use that tyme and work on my own personal business, to get it up and running like I'd want it. That would allow me to focus on promotional packets, advertisement, my website...etc... and doing portraits for my clients full tyme, versus using the majority of my tyme (as i do now) to work in the corporate world (((((overtyme))))) just to get ahead. haha... now that would be the life... as we all DONT know it...

    i just can't see myself NOT working...



  5. So the latest greatest hits release has gotten me thinking about what I would want to see as a true greatest hits release. I've decided that I want a 3-Disc set like the following:

    The Stories

    Girls Ain't Nothing But Trouble

    Just One of Those Days

    Just Rockin'

    Scary Story

    You Saw My Blinker

    Who Stole The DJ

    Nightmare On My Street

    Parents Just Don't Understand

    Ain't No Place Like Home

    Men In Black

    Then She Bit Me

    I Think I Can Beat Mike Tyson

    Who Stole My Car

    The Parties

    Will 2K

    So Fresh

    Party Starter

    Summer Time

    Ring My Bell

    He's The DJ, I'm The Rapper

    Boom Shake The Room

    I'm Looken For The One

    Block Party

    Getten Jiggy Wit It


    Numero Uno

    Brand New Funk

    I'm All That

    The Thoughts

    Afro Angel


    Tell Me Why

    Caught In The Middle

    Shadow Dreams

    Twinkle Twinkle

    Momma Knows

    Born To Reign

    Just The Two Of Us

    I Wish I Made That


    I like those tracklistings,..and on a day like today, Id love to listen to "the thoughts" list... but id love to see "chasing forever' added there,..prolly right after Potnas...



  6. Entertainer Will Smith headlined Philadelphia's Live 8 concert on July 2, 2005, a day of shows that brought the issues of African poverty to a worldwide audience. On the anniversary, the Overbrook-raised Smith tells Inquirer writer Michael Klein how ordinary people can keep the work going. He also brings us up to date on his latest projects.


    go to the link to have a listen

    dag that was a year ago from today with the Live 8, and tho I was there soo close to seeing Wil and Jeff live 2getha,... i was sepearted by tens of thousands of ppl. lol. thx 4 da info too...



  7. Yea Trey thats what we wanna do is help him to promote it by putting it everywhere we can online. In your myspace, and all sorts of hiphop sites across the net, and post a link in this thread so he can see how the promotion is going, and also for him to chek out what ppl are saying... He was on this site last nyte and was spose to drop a comment to the fans, but something musta came up... like a plate of food or something. LOL... jokin



    ps.. dont worry, he knows bout this thread, and when time permits hes gonna stop in...

  8. Im not sure how many ppl have Kel on their myspace, but he has his "Wilderness" video up and asking for support in getting exposure. We all know that word of mouth can do wonders. If you guys are down for adding his video on your page, send him a private message, and im positive he will be pleased that you would help. If you need the code let me know, and Ill get it for u... cuz he got it to me afew days ago...

    Here is the bulletin that I posted, not exactly what he posted, but what I felt like posting for my myspace friends, and maybe elsewhere on the net, when i have the tyme to spread the word b4 he drops his next couple of projects. At least ppl will have some idea.... of, "oh, i heard that dude's name b4"...

    peace n love,


    To all of my myspace friends!!! Check this out NOW!!!

    There's an artist name Kel Spencer who is one of my Myspace Buddies, and a very inspirational person that I've come to know. He is very talented, and quite modest in his accomplishments, as he has done work for, and written songs for famous stars to include but NOT limited to, Will Smith....for starters...

    I am really proud and honoured to help this talented and undiscovered brotha get well deserved recognition not only on myspace, but by word of mouth and in the street. I wanted to start by asking my myspace friends to check out his "The Wilderness" video that I have posted on my page and leave me a comment letting me know what u think,... and add him as a friend, to show your support...

    Kel's got a unique talent and gift to share with music lovers of true hiphop,. It tells his story as an artist and the pits and downfalls of up and coming artists encounter and can relate to. He represents that persistence and confidence that it takes to make it. I believe in his craft, and have no doubt that with his high energy and determination, he is going to become an asset to the music industry, but he needs and deserves that exposure to push him in the right direction...

    I would like to ask for your help in getting him exposure , and post his video on your page. If you need the link, just send me a private message, and I will get it for you.

    Until next tyme, love & peace to all of my myspace friends who make this a journey and experience worth while...



  9. Vipa...im sure u know by now that im a HUGE VipaGTS fan. LOL.. .i cant listen 2 it now, cuz i... well... imma get a good listen later this week... got a pretty nice sunburn that i need to pamper and get offline. lol..

    i cant wait really!!!! dont worry, imma hit ya back and let u know what i think. so u ALREADY know. lol.



  10. lol so true Tim. How come they arnt any ugly girls on myspace...bcoz they post fake pics of some naked model.

    I dont have that many artists on my myspace coz i always get requests from boring rock bands and im just not interested so i just deny them. I have a few real friends on there, then most are people from here i think. i dont have that many friends, but i dont want a load of pointless people on there. Oh and then theres kermit the frog, ive never met him in real life but hes a good friend of mine.

    LOL timboat. that was a good laugh to start my week off with bru. haha..

    Julie, I dont know bout 'ugly' chiks,...i think we're pretty average, but i do have alotta friends on there... Im glad I have a good amount of ppl i like dealing with, versus the nutss... some chik wanted to be my friend, and i was like ok... cool a sista. Now tell me why she asked me if I like WOMEN!!!!!!!!!1 LOL. po gurl. I was like, naaw sistah. I LOVE MEN.... aint nothin a woman can do 4 me... LOL... i haven't heard from her since... but i was really nice abt it.. but i have gotten some strange ones.. but not too many tho. lol.



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