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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Posts posted by analogue

  1. I think that Will is only saying he's a better actor than rapper just because his acting career is more popular with the general public right now. If his music career was more popular than his acting career and he was selling platinum albums right now he'd probably say that his he's a better rapper than actor

    If Will does wanna focus on his acting career for the next 4-5 years i only hope that he focuses on making good movies and not be so hell bent on winning oscars

  2. If Will does make a new album it won't mean that him and his family will be living in a dumpster just because he didn't make a movie instead.

    PS. I hated the way that article said ''The Hollywood actor who released songs in the 90's''. They make it look as if Will has always been an actor who have released a few odd songs here and there

  3. This gives me hope that there will be a new album after all cause FP has said that he's only unsure of when he's gonna release a new album. So now it's just a case of when we're gonna get a new album and not if we're gonna get a new album

    We're in a much better position than where we used to be about a year ago when FP was saying that music maby in the past

  4. We all hear "the music industry is dead", "music isn't what it use to be", etc. But, when asked to give examples of what kind of style is ruining the music industry, Hip Hop and RnB is usually brought up as the style of music that is lacking from what the singers of those genres use to entertain us with.

    Is country, rock, , classical, gospel music and other genres of music share the blame in the decline of music? Or are these genres of music still thriving? Or are they not what they use to be either?

    Could it be that those of us that don't like the music of today are just getting older and we miss those performers that we grew up listening to and just don't understand this new music that the kids are in to?

    You as a fan, what do you think musicians should do to get back on the right track to appeal to your ears again?

  5. yesterday Michael Jackson made a phone call

    Here's the transcript of MJ's call



    Hey guys! Im here in Las Vegas..(muffled)..running around today having fun.. (muffled)... It's very sunny and warm.. it's very warm here and ah, i'm going to be doing some studio work today.. (muffled).. and its gonna be soon.. sooner than they think.. ill tell ya that much.. its gonna be sooner than they think... (muffled - laughter)... I love you more, I love you more and God bless you. I love you.



    Here's the youtube link


  6. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7438006.stm

    "Motown legend Stevie Wonder is to perform a series of concerts in Europe for the first time in a decade.

    The Grammy Award-winning musician will begin his tour in the UK on 8 September in Birmingham, followed by dates in Manchester and at London's O2 arena.

    Wonder will perform in seven other countries, culminating in a concert in Paris on 28 September. "We are going to have some intimate nights of wonderful excitement," said the 58-year-old.

    Tickets for the concerts will go on sale from 0900 BST on 13 June"

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