Exclusive DJ Jazzy Jeff Interview on brand new Will Smith Podcast

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The Will Smith Podcast is back for 2021. DJ Jazzy Jeff chats exlusively to jazzyjefffreshprince.com on the latest episode of the Will Smith Podcast.

When Jeff was in London touring Europe we sat down with him to discuss the formation of Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince. He spoke candidly and also answered fan questions from our site about the albums he made with Will.

DJ Jazzy Jeff shares some amazing insights into what songs he thought would be hits and tracks he didn’t like.

The Will Smith Podcast brings Will Smith and Jazzy Jeff fans from around the world to discuss the latest news on Will Smith, Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

It was created in 2005.

It also features some exclusive and rare concert performances and rare b-sides and remixes.

Thanks to DJ Jazzy Jeff for sitting down and chatting with the fans. This was a great interview.

You can listen to the Will Smith Podcast now on Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts.


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