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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Posts posted by eljuancho

  1. Hola soy de méxico y yo tambien hablo español, no tan puro como el de ustedes pero hago el intento... creo que la principal razón de que Eminem [u]criticABA[/u] a Will es por que en su momento lo admiró y como le daba pena que se supiera pues a lo mejor lo tapaba maldiciendolo... espero que eso de Aspen sea cierto por que si lo es a lo mejor mas adelante podrémos ver un dueto de ellos, personalmente es una de las cosas que mas espero en esta vida!!!! :rofl: (sin sonar superficial).
  2. nt really sure i think since very fpoba days because all of will smith thing began here (in mex) as an actor and not a musician. then i saw bb, id4, mib, and when the song (mib) came out, it was the coolest thing i ever heard, one of my favorite actors became a rapper! so wow!
    a little research later and what??? he has so many records before that, became a little interested,then on one of my trips to the school in the radio begins to sound: nana nana nanana (gettin jiggy wit it) and you know latino ppl just love to dance, no way i couldnt get to dance with dat dope beat, then the radio guy: "y este fue will smith con gettin jiggy wit it" aqui en su estación favorita la 96.1... nice moments but when i became full fan of will was when i heard WWW, i know its not your favorite song but i just loved that rhythm, in fact my first will related album was the soundtrack of W3 then later every single album (available in mex) is mine.
    as days go by i become a bigger fan of his, and more into REAL-DOWN AND OUT- HIP-HOP.
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