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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by PeaceAngel

  1. WOW It looks official You Fooled me it look so good Yeah. It should be official...there aren't any other JJFP sites as good as this one!! :peace:
  2. Welcome D-Money!! I'm glad you actually stayed to make more posts than this one up here^^ :kekeke:
  3. Thanx 4 the article!! :peace: It's sad that Sterling had to die though... :tear:
  4. Will said in an interview that he didn't like the way the movie turned out. I love the movie though!! I think it's really funny! Will is the only one who could make it as funny as it was. I think the music video to Wild Wild West was awesome too!! :dancingcool:
  5. The "f-word" was in a movie script, not Will's mind. It's not like he walked up to the director and said "Hey, can we change this word 'crap' to 'f***' just to make the movie more entertaining?" It's not like he;s never said a cuss word in his life. And when he does, he uses it with meaning, not just abusing the word. So it really isn't a big deal. I'm sure all of us have sworn at least once in our lives.
  6. Mine came up with a "website error" page and I was able to close out of that...
  7. Or better yet, why doesn't he just back out of the rap game altogether?? Leave the rap game to the GOOD PLAYERS like JJFP. :dancingcool: His skills will never get any better.
  8. Hey afroman, you should register on this board. :sonny:
  9. That site won't work for me!! :tear: Are there any other sites you can vote on?
  10. Independence Day (man, I know a lot of these! :kekeke: ) I can't think of any lines at the moment so I'll give someone else a turn.
  11. Isn't Jazzy Jeff like 39 or 40 or something?.... :juskiddin: :kekeke: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :birthday:
  12. Wild Wild West :kekeke: "The galaxy is on Orion's belt"
  13. oh ok, didn't know that. I hope it gets that high!! :fingersx:
  14. Yeah I hear that beat!! Then I'll tell my friends that they played a Will Smith song, and my friends aren't fans of him so they're just like "That's nice..." But if they heard the entire song on the radio, they would realize what a great song it is.
  15. We all know Tell Me Why is gonna be the next single, but if it was gonna be something else, I would definitely go with L&F!! :dancingcool:
  16. I vote for the 2nd one. It is so much better...even though there are still some "Lorettas" on the board. :kekeke: Also, the songs and videos never worked for me anyway.
  17. Yeah I think that's what he said. I think he means to download that remix since it's not on any of his albums. Thanks 4 the link! :thumb:
  18. http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1501579/2...510/story.jhtml In the article it says that Eminem is performing a song called "A** Like That" at the MTV Movie Awards. They should have Will perform instead!! What a shame... :nono:
  19. That link won't work for me... :speechless:
  20. I'm glad that JJFP and Will made it on the list, but I definitely would put them much higher on the list. :peace:
  21. I think that was Hitch...if so, here's my next line: "Elvis has left the building!"
  22. So the album sold over 300,000...does that mean it went gold? :confused3:
  23. Switch is going up, but I do agree they should release another single soon.
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