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eminem lines about jjfp friendship


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hey this is a part of "when to stand up",a eminem feat jazzy jeff track:

Back then, when will smith was still the fresh prince
And him and jeff were still best friends, I guess then
I decided to cut class to rap full time
And get the **** outta the fake school and rhyme

what's da meaning of this lines???

it means that jjfp were problems???why he say "still best friends"?
it means that eminem like jjfp and then decided to rap????

i'm a little confused
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I think Eminem only made the reference 2 JJ+FP becuz Jazzy Jeff produced the track and as a way 2 say it waz in their late-80's hay-day when he got interested in Hip-Hop.

JJ+FP have the kinda problems that every group has from time 2 time, like creative differences and having different opinions on where the group should go but they never had a real fall out. Eminem dosen't know what he's talking about. I asked Keith Pelzer who waz working at A Touch of Jazz at the time what Jeff thought about lines like that and he said Jeff dosen't pay attention 2 that stuff at all. Besides, he didn't hear the lyrics until the vocals were layed down.

I'm sure u've heard "Potnas"...i think that pretty much sums everything up.
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[quote=hiphoplover,Sep 14 2004, 08:35 PM]hey this is a part of "when to stand up",a eminem feat jazzy jeff track:

Back then, when will smith was still the fresh prince
And him and jeff were still best friends, I guess then
I decided to cut class to rap full time
And get the **** outta the fake school and rhyme[/quote]
If anything, Em was giving props to JJFP for inspiring him to start rapping. I don't know if he truly meant it because when he won his last Grammy, he thanked a bunch of people who inspired him to rap. He did not name JJFP as one of his influences.
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Jazzy Jeff also put him on "The Vibe I'm On" which came out nearly a year b4 Eminem dropped "My Name Is..."

I don't see his line a way of give JJ+FP props at all. They get tossed in that group of people like MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice when it comes 2 Hip-Hop/Rap acts of the late 80's that got tons of mainstream success. Eminem dissed most of those guys (not JJ+FP tho'). The lyrics strictly seem like a way 2 mention JJ+FP and 2 take it back 2 when he started rappin.' That's just me tho.'
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[quote]I don't know if he truly meant it because when he won his last Grammy, he thanked a bunch of people who inspired him to rap. He did not name JJFP as one of his influences.[/quote] Well, its eminem. his rapping is the opposite of FP, so he cant come out and say im a JJFP fan, people wont except it. do not forget these words im about to say: PEOPLE ARE STUPID. they would critisise him for it: CRITICS ARE STUPID...
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