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hi guys
i think there was a similiar topic but i couldn't find it so i'll ask here:
do you think Will will do Bad Boys 3 ?
i loved the first two movies and i don't know why some people say that bad boys 2 was a big disappointment because i really think it's a great movie and great sequel to the first one...so i really want Will and Martin to make Bad Boys 3...what about you ?
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I'd like it, I think Will and Martin kind of hinted they wanted to make a third one too.
I wouldn't want it to get in the way of anything, by the sounds of things in the Tavis Smiley interview Will's got bigger things up his sleeve. I can't imagine BB3 being a really radical movie, just more of the same, would still be great though! :peace:
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everyone wanted to do it..but sony wouldnt come up with the money..so until sony give jerry bruckheimer a cheque its not gonna happen.. which is really disappointing seems it made 270 million worldwide and prob over 50 million in dvd sales.. which is a hell of a lot more than the original..how much did they want it to make??? and yeah i love bad boys II..more than the original
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I think that the original and the sequel are brilliant masterpieces of micheal bay. And after what Tim said, I guess theres not gonna be a 3, but i would love another! Like Badboy4Life said... i dunno wut the big fuss was about bb2????? I thought it was awesome!
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I think a BB III is very possible.

The trilogy seems to be the in thing at Hollywood recently, LotR, Matrix, Spider-Man (part 3 coming 2006).........and so on.

If you get the chemistry right between the two main actors, the buddy cop film can go on and on. Look at Lethal Weapon, probably the film that started and set the standards for the buddy cop film genre. There have been 4 LW films now, and all have been entertaining. They got progerssivly worse, but still very watchable, and that was cos of Mel and Danny..........and then later Joe. Then you got Rush Hour, I personaly could watch Chris Tucker and Jackie for ages. Cos they work so damn well together.
Will and Martin most def got that chemistry going on.

A BB III may or may not be as good (story/plot wise) than the previous 2, but will that really matter? As long as you got some damn fine car chases, big explosions, shoot outs and women. All you need is Will and Martin to be bitching at each other and you got a BB III.

I personaly didn't think BB II would even come close to the orginal...............I was right, it didn't come close, it surpassed it. It proved that sometimes the sequel can be better than the previous one.
So if they did it once, why not again?

I'll bet you that somewhere there is a rough plot/script for a BB III floating about somewhere in Hollywood right now.

Here are a couple of qutoes from a few months back...........

[i]Will Smith had this to say about a possibe Bad Boys 3 "You know there was an early draft of the script that actually set Bad Boys II in London but that script never came together. Maybe Bad Boys III, we could blow some stuff up here"[/i]

[i]Jerry Bruckheimer has revealed that his two stars on Bad Boys 2 are keen to
go again "When we had about two weeks of shooting left to go on 'Bad Boys
II,' Will and Martin were having such a good time, they phoned (Columbia
studio chieftain) Amy Pascal and said, 'We want to sign up for another
one.' So, hopefully we'll get them all back together again in a year or

So there is no BB III planed at the mo. But EVERYONE wants to do it, the fans want it. It WILL make money. Columbia can't be that stupid............can they?
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Here it is in my POV: Michael Bay is one of the best directors out there, despite what people say. Bad Boys, The Rock, Armegaddon, and Bad Boys 2 were the coolest movies ever. Pearle Harbor was going to be all about BOOMs, but the studio made him take another approch. the Island is coming out and its the first time his going to be making a movie with out jerry brickhimer, but if brickhimer is smart, he will produce Bad Boys 3, and Michael Bay should also produce it. with their moneys put togather, the studio wouldn't need to put out any money. Will Smith and Martin Lawrence were so awsome in the bad boys movies, and everyone loves it. who ever i have asked says they love both of them, so the only people that didn't like it were the critics. nobody here KNOWS me, but i have always said "F**K critics," couse half the time they are knobjockeys who dont understand the movie and give it a bad review, so the studio sees that and despite the advance screening greatness of a movie they think it isnt good. thus: Bad Boys 3 would be a great idea, but they have to wait and get a great story line with good writers, im willing to wait for it even if it takes another 7 years. In an interview Will Smith said he would love to do Bad Boys 3, if the right story is there.
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I think it's highly likely. Everyone involved in Bad Boys wants 2 do a 3rd and Will mentioned out he didn't want wait really long 2 do it. I don't know where all heard negative things about the movie, i've heard alot of things and the good easily out-weighs the bad.
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jerry bruckheimer said he wanted to do it..hes just waiting for the go ahead from sony.. why sony wouldnt do it would be because will smith martin lawrence michael bay and jerry bruckheimer cost a lot of money!!!! they are the best in the business...
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[quote=the real big willie,Sep 4 2004, 09:56 PM]So there is no BB III planed at the mo. But EVERYONE wants to do it, the fans want it. It WILL make money. Columbia can't be that stupid............can they?[/quote]
Well, Columbia has been stupid when it came 2 Will's music, so maybe they can be stupid... :kekeke:
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bad boys was will's first big movie (he was just a rookie) and if the second movie surpassed it, it was because of the first one. i think the first one was still better than the second. i can watch the first one countless times but i can't for the second. the 2nd one had a rather complex story than the first and the time lag was way too much. although this isn't a factor, but it shouldn't be for action comedy flicks. if they wanna do a bb3, it should be far, far better than the previuous 2 films. i think more money should be spent on a very good script than the actors or directors. i hate trilogies in which the last movie doesn't surpass the other. e.g terminator, the 2nd one; judgement day remains the best out of the 3 which shouldn't be. it should be 3, 2, 1.
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[quote]and the time lag was way too much[/quote]

the thing is about that... all michael bay films are over 2 hours. "Bad Boys" was his first which was excatly 2 hours and "the rock" "armagaddon" "Pearl Harbor" "Bad Boys 2" were all longer than 2 hours.

I know if will smith or michael bay or jerry brickhimer or anyone at columbia saw this forum they would make Bad Boys 3.
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