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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Posts posted by KevTastic

  1. GUYS - LAST CALL for JJFP Fans

    We all can see how great these shows are going to be, although there's a reasonable chance Will and Jeff will do other shows going forward.

    We cannot guarantee that. With how Will's schedule is.

    Check the those bank accounts. See if there are some great last minute deals you can get on flights. Any flights to Manchester airport will put you within an hour of the venue.

    I want to see as many of us as possible there.

  2. Anyone from this forum who isn't going to these shows are gonna be gutted to miss it. In saying that You should all download the livewire festival app from Google Play or apple store. As there is a section on it for streaming.  The app hasn't really been maintained that well, but lets hope they get some use out of it come the shows.

    The festival begins Friday night with The Jacksons. So will be worth logging in then to see what streaming services they are offering.

    I'm also in two minds whether to try and avoid watching any videos online of the MTV Croatia show the night before. Its almost like trying to avoid movie spoilers.

  3. Just watched a live interview will Jada on a UK show called Sunday Brunch. She was promoting a new film she's in with Queen Latifah. Actually looks pretty funny. Anyway.. sounds like she and the family will be at both of these shows. The whole family are in the UK at the moment as apparently Will is already filming stuff for Aladdin. Jeff was over here for a show only a week ago or so. Maybe they met up to plan some stuff for these shows.

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